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What is the actual purpose are we meant to serve corporate masters? Are they our God?

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posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:40 PM
Have you guys ever wondered what specifically is the point? I mean like even if you have kids that are supposed to give meaning to your life dont they just end up doing the same thing as you working for 30 or 40 or more years have more kids usually all just to work their prime years away etc. The small pleasures in life scheduled around the looming spectre of yet more work. Everything is centered around making money to survive. Money is key. I wonder if it was quite like that for my grampa on the farm. Makes you wonder. What happened to this farm self reliance mentality.

If I had a farm, I would be set up. Because what do you need when you have a farm. Nothing. Farms require a lot of real estate. Space. Acres and acres. Why aren't family farms really a thing anymore? The subdivisions. All around convenience. I dont need to grow green beans I can just grab some at the store. But then the store turned into not really a store, now it is a huge corporation with shareholders to answer to.

I think the only thing to do at this point is simplify. When did everybody become a candy ass. When did everybody just decide. No we don't want to rely on ourselves and our families and our small communities. We want to rely on the corporate master because it is easier. Its faster. I can spend more time indulging my own pleasures. Because working for the corporations to make money to buy the convenient things from the corporations takes up all your time. So you need convenience. You feel greed. You want what you think the other guy has. Even hospitals are becoming corporate. Doctors are saddled with hundreds of thousands in loans just to be able to help people. What??

What happened why is it like this? Simulation or something I have missed. Were we created to serve God but then what are we doing I have no idea. No idea which God either. Are we really just here to serve the corporations, enrich the shareholders and die?

Is that the purpose. What is the purpose? Was this what it was like in the 1400s when Columbus was sailing the high seas. I'm so confused.
edit on 7-4-2024 by Shoshanna because: can't spell

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:48 PM
The problem is, "they" are setting things up such that simplification of one's life is more and more problematic.

Sure, disconnect from the internet. Can you still pay all your bills ? Are you fortunate enough to have a bank that has retained enough staff that it can serve in-person customers without making a big deal out of it ?

What if they succeed in forcing digital money and phase cash out of the monetary system ? That leaves us with bartering of goods and services with others like us. That could work ... at times, but not all the time.

Everything is corporate. Like you mentioned, stores and hospitals. And banks. And universities. Yeah, society is sick and not likely to become more healthy without a dark intervening period.


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 02:02 PM
You are in a Simulation.

Take it up with your Cyber Master.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 02:25 PM

40 hours, 40 weeks, 40 years.

Then you can be put out to pasture

a reply to: Shoshanna

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
Have you guys ever wondered what specifically is the point? I mean like even if you have kids that are supposed to give meaning to your life dont they just end up doing the same thing as you working for 30 or 40 or more years have more kids usually all just to work their prime years away etc. The small pleasures in life scheduled around the looming spectre of yet more work. Everything is centered around making money to survive. Money is key. I wonder if it was quite like that for my grampa on the farm. Makes you wonder. What happened to this farm self reliance mentality.

If I had a farm, I would be set up. Because what do you need when you have a farm. Nothing. Farms require a lot of real estate. Space. Acres and acres. Why aren't family farms really a thing anymore? The subdivisions. All around convenience. I dont need to grow green beans I can just grab some at the store. But then the store turned into not really a store, now it is a huge corporation with shareholders to answer to.

I think the only thing to do at this point is simplify. When did everybody become a candy ass. When did everybody just decide. No we don't want to rely on ourselves and our families and our small communities. We want to rely on the corporate master because it is easier. Its faster. I can spend more time indulging my own pleasures. Because working for the corporations to make money to buy the convenient things from the corporations takes up all your time. So you need convenience. You feel greed. You want what you think the other guy has. Even hospitals are becoming corporate. Doctors are saddled with hundreds of thousands in loans just to be able to help people. What??

What happened why is it like this? Simulation or something I have missed. Were we created to serve God but then what are we doing I have no idea. No idea which God either. Are we really just here to serve the corporations, enrich the shareholders and die?

Is that the purpose. What is the purpose? Was this what it was like in the 1400s when Columbus was sailing the high seas. I'm so confused.

If you believe in corporate capitalism then you must serve and be a good servant.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 06:07 PM
How can 8 billion people have a farm? 😀

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

What happened why is it like this? Simulation or something I have missed.

Ii hope this does not sound rude, but yeah, you sound as if you have missed one hell of a lot. You presentation of farming is way off the mark. You wonder about ''farm self reliance''. It is noting like you depict.

If I had a farm, I would be set up. Because what do you need when you have a farm. Nothing. Farms require a lot of real estate. Space. Acres and acres. Why aren't family farms really a thing anymore?

Sure, you need a lot of land and that is costly, not nothing. You need farming weather, dependable weather. You need water and plenty of it. You need seeds and and plows. You need harvesters. You need labor, labor labor. You need to get up with the sun, work till it goes down, sleep and do it again. Year after year after year.

Before farms it was hunt and hunt some more. But you certainly must know this already I guess.

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 08:20 AM
The point is what ever you make it.

Live a life as meaningless and miserable as you like no cares but the choice is ultimately yours where you place meaning and that goes for everything.

You can choose to live a meaningless life or you can choose not too.

For me the meaning of life is family building and the joys and tribulations that come with that. Passing on my knowledge and understandings to my offspring and equipping them with the skills and minds required to not only survive here but thrive here.

And as I seem them grow, live, laugh and cry it fills me with immeasurable pride and happiness.

a reply to: Shoshanna

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 10:44 AM
I may have figured out a piece of it just this morning! Maybe we are here to learn and improve from the failures and mistakes of our predecessors. I have a drinking problem. I have been trying not to drink and been successful for several days now over a week. What makes me want to drink is like people just being idiotic. I call it weaponized incompetence. And I dont know maybe an anger problem though because this type of stuff fills me with rage and I just want to drink hehe.

Well first thing this morning I wake up to a text from a coworker with the dumbest question in the universe. A really dumb question I knew he can use to make an excuse for literally doing nothing the entire night. Imagine if you worked at a shoe lace factory and your coworker who has been doing the exact same job for over a year texted you 13 minutes into their shift to tell you that the shoe lace machine ran out of lace so should he fill it back up and start running again or just sweep the floor all night and do nothing.

So since this text came in while I was asleep I didn't return it for about 6 hours. I basically replied what are you talking about just do your job. Of course when I got to work the excuse was "I didn't know what you wanted me to do so I swept the floor all night" well normally this would have been my cue to take my lunch literally 5 minutes into my shift and have a little drinky wink. But not today. I'm keeping my cool even though now I basically have to work a double shift because my coworker did nothing for 8 hours. It is ok. I realize this type of rage and anger legit killed my dad so im going to put that in perspective when im dealing with all this weaponized incompetence.

I know why he did that too, pretended to be dumb. He wants overtime. He wanted me to say "well stay and help me get all this done". Nope. I gathered his things and forcefully told him to leave. Now. Until he left.


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