a reply to:
"The part of the Earth that faces the sun on that day will be scorched, water vaporized instantly into clouds and the crust loosens its grip on the
mantle "
somewhere in my past 50 years i remember reading about.....
3 days of darkness ..very cold
sun rising in the west
coming catyclysm,
pole flips
and earthquake to level the mountains greater than ever before
3 days of darkness maybe from bible, we are supposed to keep
windows and doors closed, dont go out, maybe from toxic space dust?
space dust could make it dark 3 days, might not even see it coming
pole flips, sun rises in west:
3 days of darkness could mean earths magnetic pole stops,
like astronaught training chair, a circle inside 2 more spinning
every which way, suddenly stops and reverses like a dynamo
is it strong enough to stop the earth seeing all the magnetic
rocks and steel on outer crust?
if earth stops for 3 days, it will be sunny 3 days straight on
opposite side of earth, surely burning EVERYTHING especially
in summer,,, and explains the cold during 3 nights
if earth does stop spinning....
the oceans WILL KEEP GOING washing everything
off the face of earth,, take a glass and spin until water spins,,,
stop spinning, ..water goes on a few trips around
like that dynamo magnetic field, maybe even reverses 1-2 times
causing 3 days darkness and sun rising in the west, and back again
end of revelation torture is "earthquake greater than any other before,
leveling mountains, no stone left unturned"
that could be geography shift, oh, i forgot one....
""the northern hemisphere shall see the southern stars""
theres all of them wrapped in one
then,.... theres FRACKING, very hi pressures and slippery fluids
pushed deep into the bedrocks and cracking them into tiny rocks,
then you have that flood from earth 3 days darkness, completely
saturating the top of the land.... add in that nasty earthquake
strongest one ever, and you got...................LIQUIFACTION, like quicksand
"and the mountains crumble into the sea"
edit on 8-4-2024 by confuzedcitizen because: added paragraff