posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 01:08 AM
As far as I know energy are things like heat, light, matter, maybe even space.
Science came to a point understanding things about energy like energy being eternal in the sense that energy is always transformed and never lost.
This would imply this place is for forever though the state it exists in is not.
We're in a continuous cycle of energy transforming. Light for instance turns into heat and wood which is burning turns into fire which in its turn
turns into light. We live in a melting pot of continuous energy transformation. While you're in your living room it seems like not much is going on
but according to science you could say your living room is bulging with transforming energy, even when you consider only your own body. You could say
every second there is a lot going on and we add to the experience and function according these laws of energy for instance when making coffee or
cleaning the floor. When you think of it our very simple lives consist out of very special things which we seem to relativize as just making coffee or
cleaning the floor. The things we give a name are manifestations of energy and we seem to collectively comprehend what we point at when we talk about
We seem to be compatible with the universe around us and can construct an image of it when talking to people, giving people ideas and impressions of
it, creating movement in it, making people do and say things.
Though we are compatible with the unverse we should not become it, let's say you would turn yourself into the wood of a tree becoming a tree, you
would be a tree. Let's say you would make yourself a tile in the floor. Your body is able to change like growth and healing of skin. This way your
body adapts to a certain blueprint of yourself. What if you could choose what blueprint to adapt to you would be able to become a tree or a tile in
the floor. It sounds like a good strategy when you want to hide.
If you had the power to change the blueprint of things you would be able to manifest in the universe turning water into wine.
It sounds like a fantasy.