posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 08:52 PM
During the 2020 presidential election the Biden campaign and Democrats in state legislatures, court houses and executives were successful in
exploiting the covid-19 pandemic to make last-minute changes to election processes that gave advantages to Joe Biden.
Now the Trump campaign and the Nebraska legislature is trying to change how Nebraska awards its electoral votes in the hopes it will give Donald Trump
an advantage.
Currently, Nebraska awards its electoral votes to the candidate who wins the statewide race as well to the candidate who wins in each of the three
congressional districts. This leves the possibility that the Democrat candidate can walk away with one vote belonging to the Omaha 2nd district
despite the fact that the state is seen as a red one.
Im some of the electoral map "pathways to victory" Joe Biden will need that one Omaha vote to get to the needed 270 to hold on to the presidency. By
making a Nebraska a winner take all state the Trump campaign will close off those pathways.
The only problem is that the Trump Campaign, added by the states governor Jim Pillen, maybe to late to emulate the Biden's 2020 campaign strategy of
changing election process. The Nebraska legislature is about to close its session, leaving little time to pass the new bill.
Trump and GOP leaders push to change Nebraska electoral votes to winner-take-all
Former President Donald Trump and Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen are calling on the state’s Legislature to change the way Nebraska doles out its Electoral
College votes, a move that would almost certainly benefit Trump in his 2024 presidential bid.
While most states dole out all their Electoral College votes to the statewide winner of the presidential vote, Nebraska and Maine give out one
electoral vote to the candidate who wins each congressional district.