a reply to:
In your defense All is Fair in Love and War.
Both can be battlefields.
I wish it were simpler but it isn't.
I have my own indiscretions in the past, I try to do better.
Sometimes I can and everything works, other times it doesn't and everything gets fudged up.
Maybe it's part of the Fatal Flaw that makes us all so Human.
Maybe if we admit this to Ourselves and Others it will help us get one step closer to our goals.
I've been trying to achieve perfection even though I know I'm only Human.
Surely we wouldn't want to anger the Gods with our Hubris.
Maybe it's ok to be Human instead of trying to be Gods.
Maybe the Gods get weary and take a break themselves from time to time.
If there's one thing Greek Mythology and Athena taught me is kno0w when it's ok to humble yourself and admit defeat.
Don't be so hard on yourself though, tomorrow is another day to try again and do better.
Sometimes theivery is because one needs to to survive, and it's a situation of circumstance.
I wouldn't not cut of the hand of a man who steals bread to feed his family or himself through no fault of his own.
But my table is small, and my offering scarce.
I would advise it's better to beg than to steal.
But to be honest, I've stolen a time or too myself in the past, msall things a hublenotebook to write in or a bite to eat.
But when I was able, I returned and paid my debts.
It was like nothing ever happened it happened so fast.
This is just a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in a mystery.
If you Lie, Lie with Honor.
My lies are a test of sorts, choose what you know to be right by the Law of the Land.
Ask with a humble heart and genuine need and be patient or offer something of value in return.
An honest days work for an honest days pay, of a nice nearty meal for those of more modest means.
Do not force your way in, do not threaten or harm one who cannot accomodate your needs.
Be wise and try to find an alternative to theft.
IF you steal, repay the debt in some fashion to the betterment of all involved.
I will pray that the cities that have yet to be built or are further down the road are full and complete, lacking nothing.
Do not steal from those who have done you no wrong.
I wish you well Fair Mercury, now go and be swift in your mission, but remember the Laws and Divine Rights of Kings and Queens and their respective
realms and customs.
(By the way, tongue in cheek, Zeus told me to tell you if you touch Pegasus you're dead meat buddy, he really hates it if people touch his favorite
mode of transportation.)
Also, a lot of us can't afford to be stolen from no matter what you might think around these here parts so please don't # with the locals.
I wouldn't dare steal from anyone around here because it can get pretty brutal.
This isn't a threat, just a caution from my expereience to yours.
Try to cite your sources and give credit where credit is due.
Be fair and seek the Noble path would be my advice.
Trade and barter is so much better a transaction.
I am far more likely to help someone out with a good story or who cannot fend for themselves than one who steals for the thrill of it.
It just makes things easier and theres less mess for me to clean up.
I hate it when my boots stick to the concrete floor from all the carnage and I'm only armed with a mop.
It get's tiresome and they don't pay me for this gig.