Project Sun Streak
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I will summarize each slide:
1. brief overview
2. Psycho energetics for intelligence collection. 1 psychokineses 2. ESP/telepathy/ remote viewing
3. Since early 1970’s DOD has been experimenting as intelligence gathering tool. Hal Puthoff & Russel Targ at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) has
proven success.
4. Remote viewing coined at Sri. Acquisition and description by mental process of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding,
or time.
5. Pat price and Ingo swann proven gifted in cia remote viewing tests.
6. Much detailed accurate information collected and proven accurate. Gained detailed info about Soviet R&D facility.
7. Result- focus on remote viewing
8. DIA and military services all at one time or another done tests. 1972 Army published book on Soviets use
9. 1976 missile intelligence Agency in US replication of so it work
10. Sri developed program for them 1977 were awarded 1 year contract.
11. Same time army material systems analysis agency involved with Sri and remote viewing.
12. Also 1977 us army intelligence and security command (INSCOM) established program "Gondola Wish”
13. Gondola wish to integrate soviet and eastern psycho energetic intelligence collection threat into all-source operations (OPSEC) support scenario
at Fort Meade MD (personal note they brought in Robert Monroe and integrated hemi-sync technology sometime about here).
14. 1978 army ACSI concluded effective and made comprehensive program. Canceled Gondola Wish, placed complete security envelope over army’s interest
and made new program for Remote viewing: Grill Flame. (Personal note - I’ve described it as a shell game for years. Just renaming and moving it but
keeping it going).
15. Grille flame purpose to use remote viewing as an information collection method - Ft. Meade MD
16. Spring 1978 INSCOM selected personnel and began training.
17. How accurate? Would intel community accept?
18. Sep 4 1979 ASCI tasked to locate missing Navy plane.
19. They successfully located it within 15 miles of crash site.
20. Successful, they were given more tasks and training stopped prematurely by Dec 1979 and operations commenced.
21. Gale committee formed and issued report dec 1979.
22. Findings: continue operations. Find foreign programs. Establish DOD authority to fund and monitor.
23. 1980 undersecretary of defense ended other programs but continued remote viewing operations.
24. 1981 Grill Flame ASCI transferred to INSCOM. Joint ops with DIA and w year program.
25. DIA roles - treat, countermeasures, established psychics, Sri contracts. Army roles - apply remote viewing operations, use assigned personnel,
enhance capability.
26. Grill Flame Players: Secretary of Army, Army General Counsel, Assistant Surgeon General, Vice chief of staff of the Army, NSA, CIA, Navy
27. Joint ops continued until Dec 1982. Senate canceled thinking they were double funded.
28. Agreed to let DIA complete 3rd year.
29. Grill Flame "terminated" but continued under Special Access Program (SAP) called Center Lane. 1983bUndersecretary of Defense allowed continued
funding for program as SAP.
30. Oct 1983 DIA published report saying remote viewing and remote action (Personal note, I’ve been dropping hints about this for years) research
should be continued under DIA.
31. 1984 unit put under DIA. Agreed to Sep 1984.
32. Feb 1985 Center Lane transfer to DIA as SAP complete.
33. Congress briefed. NFIP Funding restored.
34. DoD/DIA collection effort now called Sun Streak. Purpose: undertake operational intelligence applications using remote viewing.
35. Location Ft Meade MD.
36. Passive intelligence gathering technique, can not be detected when used (personal note - later questioned).
37. Chinese claim detection using Children (personal note, they were not only ones using children). Insufficient data.
38. Remote viewing is inexpensive. Expense just people.
39. No known defence. Time , distance, target, size, or degree of difficulty no apparent effect. Conceptional plans have been collected before use.
40. Tasking categories: penetration of inaccessible targets (personal note Ingo Swann liked the word Penetration), science and tech info, cuing other
intel collection systems, imminent hostilities, determination of nuclear from non-nuclear targets, human source assessments, accurate personality
41. Training developed from academia, scientific labs, and research establishments around world.
42. Consensus was remote viewing facilitated by relaxation and focused attention (ERV)
43. 1982 training coordinated with SRI. Ingo Swann CRV trough 6 stages.
44. What happens when Sun Streak tasked. First requesting agency gives target.
45. A collection plan is made
46. Essential elements of information (EEI) listed
47. Time window set
48. Which remote viewing technique or combination will be used.
49. Remote viewers selected
50. Several sessions conducted to answer EEI
51. Session uses monitor to keep viewer on task.
52. team effort
53. Remote viewer reports impressions, concepts, sensations, feelings, notions of target and not engage in analytic opinion. (Eg. It feels rubbery,
round, bumpy surface, reddish color - not it’s a red rubber ball)
54. Documented and info returned to requesting agency.
55. After completion evaluation given for improvement
56. This was overview of sun streak, was classified at the time of writing.
Projects continued after this. Remember the shell game shown here.
I’ve inserted a few personal notes with info that can be googled.
Pat price, Ingo swann, Joe McMoneagle real stars.
Ingo started leaking info on black projects, such as mentioning children, right before he died.
Russel Targ’s book is a treasure trove of whistleblowing without explaining what he’s doing. Such as talking about healthy people dropping dead on
tread mills from heart attacks.
How does mk-ultra intersect these projects? How is trauma used? What effects near death have?
What happens when cults and other organizations with money and power use this? Where do they get subjects?
How old and where does this tech trace origins from? At least Greek mystery schools and Egyptian ones also.
I’ll stop before I list too much, and bore you, but there is a lot to be found the more you’re interested and dig.
Oh, I’ll add one more for fun. How many ATS members affected? I’ve talked with several. It didn’t just happen in US.