For those of us who have been looking at images of cropcircles on the internet probably have noticed this one before. If I'm correct it was found on
the 15th of august 2002 at Hampshire, England, the time we know.
What's amazing about this video is that it pans a little to the bottom before the things descend close to the crop, just seem to scan over it and
leave the image in the crop. The shadows of the flying things seem to fit reality.
If it's a fake it's a very good one.
Remarkable is, is that when it's real footage there has to have been prior knowledge of the happening.
The image in the video looks identical to what is found in photographs that were taken, the tracks of the argricultural vehicle and everything really.
I didn't look much into it, I instantly went to posting the video here.
When real it's amazing footage, it would mean cropcircles really are made by certain orbs in a very peculiar way I don't know. Some with a keen eye
could say, yes, it's definitely fake. I nowhere made the video myself and only shared what I found. I don't have the equipment to research videos
and I am nowhere responsible for what is shown in the video. I have seen a lot lately and to me anything is possible, by which I don't mean anything,
Note the left side of the alien figures face. It has more detail than the actual design and extends further than the frame it sits in.
I could argue it's from a different angle, the crop not standing in the view of the flattened pieces and the tracks of the argricultural vehicle are
precise the same in comparison to the image.