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FEDS Accuse Sean "P. Diddy" Combs of Sex Trafficking and Raid His Homes in LA and Miami

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posted on May, 26 2024 @ 05:11 PM
Boy oh boy, news and people being named are avalanching. And not a word on MSM?? Shocking!

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 05:49 PM
I’m gonna say this again. I can’t believe this isn’t getting more attention. Maybe a new thread needs to be created. This is just as big as Epstein. It also involves a lot of household names. More common names than many to us in Epsteins circle.

I went down the rabbit hole again this morning. Spent 4 hours watching videos. I’m absolutely stunned about all the people involved, and just how sick they are. I’d post videos and there are just so many. Just google ‘P Diddy latest news’ if you want to go down it.

I’ll give you some tidbits:

I used to look up to Will Smith. Not anymore. This man is a terrible father. Even accusations he molested his own son. Jada apparently pimpled out the same son Jayden, to Diddy for sexual favors. Their whole relationship is a facade. A contract. He’s really gay and she’s into women. So it’s a perfect match. There is no questioning how bad of parents they are as it’s all out in the open.

We have the same with Jay z and Beyoncé. Doesn’t appear Jayz is full on gay, but Beyoncé is. A contract relationship for power and money. They are also huge sex trafficers. Possibly, on a larger level than the diddler.

Those are two of the most high profile. I’d include more but there’s just so much there. It’s absolutely disgusting - and addictive at the same time. Getting a full scope of the true definition of ‘Hollyweird’. After this rabbit hole, we can officially call it HOLLYFUBAR!

There’s just too many witnesses saying the exact things. Ironically, people have been crying from the rooftops trying to expose these people for years, just like Epstein. Apparently, it runs so deep that most lawyers wouldn’t take the cases of the victims. Afraid for their life I’d presume.

Oh yeah, on the way out I got to give teasers about all the murders. They don’t call it gangsta rap for nothing. Diddy took out the hit on Tupac. He also killed the hitman before paying him (he’s know for not paying people). Very likely he killed his own friend Notorious BIG. He profited MASSIVELY off his death.

I could go on for hours. I’ve got to end it here.

Sh!t this should have been posted in RATS.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: SchrodingersRat
Well, I guess that old adage may be true - "where there's smoke, there's fire".

There have been numerous accusations over the years about Puff Daddy and his personal and business interests in sex trafficking.

I guess the FEDS felt like they had enough evidence to raid his homes and seize a ton of potential evidence.

Word is they're going to raid his NY and Chicago homes next.

This is going to be interesting with all kinds of vitriol flying around from all sides.

Better stock up on popcorn and beer before it all runs out.

Diddy's LA and Miami Homes Raided by Federal Agents

Its a rigged "Trumped" up charge .. the Feds are picking on him
edit on Fri, 31 May 2024 18:27:19 -0500276America/ChicagoFriday4 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

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