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The flower of the fruit.

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posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:04 AM
The garden bathed in the light of the sun, it wasn't very cloudy. It was an experience.

The Magnolia there, a smaller tree is in bloom currently and I wondered since I know the blossoms of the apple tree appear before fruit appears from them, what grows on Magnolia? I thought, well, blossoms or flowers indicate fruits, or at least fruits or seeds. I've never seen the fruit of a Magnolia although I've been here in this place for a few years. Nobody ever showed me either.

Beautiful flowers, white and pink large petals. Their scent indicates a source of resource for bees, I think.

Oh, and how I like honey and how many different types of honey there are. I recently was told honey contains living enzymes and in contact with metal these die, so the best way to pick honey is with a plastic spoon or something made from wood. I remember the images of this wooden stick with a bees nest type of ball at the end dripping with honey and I figured oh well, that's why they use these peculiar tools.

Flowers turn into fruits, or should I say blossoms? You could say a tree is a blossom rooting into the soil to make up a cute place for bees to tickle blossom offspring.

Yes, how cute and nice.

When nature calls, it's time.

Well, all I wanted to say is I learned something today.

Hmm, yea, and honey, when I know someone is going on travel I try to ask them to bring some local honey from over there. I was brought lavender honey from France, it was great.

Kind regards,

Trying to work myself through the day.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Unharmed

Ummm...thank you...

These are the kind of threads that I really enjoy...

One soul...speaking from it's heart...about some observation...or experience that touched it in a meaningful way...enough so that that soul chose to share their discernment or wonder...

And the absolute second best part...there were no...sources or quotations required...or needed...

Totally refreshing...

Again...Thank you...


posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 12:02 PM
My mother loved the Magnolia tree.

She also passed her love of all plants to me.

Brings back memories as a child the smell in the neighborhood.

I just did the whole relive thing.

My mom has been gone many years.

The single mention of the Magnolia tree.

Brings back some wonderful memories…

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 01:34 PM
For both of you in return;

These are the kind of posts that I really enjoy...

One soul...speaking from it's heart...about some observation...or experience that touched it in a meaningful way...enough so that that soul chose to share their discernment or wonder...

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: Unharmed
Hmm, yea, and honey, when I know someone is going on travel I try to ask them to bring some local honey from over there. I was brought lavender honey from France, it was great.

Great seeing them hard at work creating it here. I always say "hello" as they go about their beesness. I will take loads more cuttings this year and fill my garden here in SW France.

I also have seen big fat bumblebees and those beautiful tan coloured fluffy little ones. Still waiting to see some Hummingbird moths, hard to photograph because they move so sharply.

Thanks for a beautiful thread. Nice.
edit on 20/3/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2024 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: nerbot

Two days ago a bumble bee appeared.

I visited the Castle of Montségur once. A beautiful region. You know, with mountains you never know what you're walking on, there could be halls and caverns in it with tunnels leading anywhere. There is so much under the ground. We really live in an adventurous place.

May peace befall us.


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