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I propose the following.

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posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:17 PM
Death is not opposite to life in essence.

They are allies, dancing together.

Each serves his or her purpose.

From what I can see, Evil would be the opposite of Life, as it consumes and provides nothing of real value.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:44 PM
Our souls probably do not die when our bodies die. Our memories die because they are stored in these bodies, but the soul evolves and goes somewhere, but I do not know where or how it works. It would be able to access the collective consciousness of this world we live in though. If it is allowed that is. Now I do believe there is something after life and my post is just a possibility as to what it is.

Souls can be good and bad, but our beliefs we hold decide what is good or bad. This makes it hard for us to get to the real reality of good. Remember, the collective consciousness of this world is of all things, not just humans. so what happens if we do not pass the test of our worthiness that we are in at this time? Do we have to go back as a different organism, or do we just go to hell if we screw up too bad? I have no clue, from where I am in this reality, with no knowledge of what I was before because of those memories being left behind in the mind of that past being, I cannot tell anyone what I was in a past life if there is reincarnation happening. Maybe I was a skunk, or a slug, or just some kind of microbe. Maybe I am in my ninth life, originally being a cat or something. Maybe there is a heaven, but I don't think I will feel at home there because none of my friends or relatives probably made it there...and I have been no angel.

I am here in this reality to learn, just not sure what I am supposed to be learning. but I do have a respect for all life which makes me think my next life might be a a mushroom or something.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

You speak in good Faith my friend.

May the Light bless you with enlightenment.

If you so wish it, that is.

Be well, and safe journey!


posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:22 AM
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Rather poetic!

But don't go looking for it, lest you find it!

Then again, it's your life isn't it?

Do with it as you please.


posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:37 AM
Death is a single moment that has no essence, for Life was the essence.

Use it wisely, remembering that wisdom knocks quietly only from within, so listen carefully in the silence.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: nerbot

Ugh... Abide by silence my friend.

Death is owed honor.

Can YOU so claim to have conquered her?

Then be still.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

From what I can see, Evil would be the opposite of Life, as it consumes and provides nothing of real value.

It sounds like you are equating evil with consumerism, yet life has to consume to live.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

The problem with good and bad, is that they are non existent if you don't judge your experience.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:23 PM
I feel much of the Vedic philosophies are present in this conversation. The rebirth only happens because we failed to achieve transcendence, or our full spiritual potential to return to the source, commonly referred to by many different faiths as God or the Creator. Now part of that journey is coming to the very realization that everything in our lives must be done with the sincere belief it is for the Creator/God. No matter how irrational or conflicted one is about task, if the Creator demands it it is demanded for a purpose. This was how Krishna was explaining it to prince Arjuna anyways .

Now I know from the life I have already lived there is no way I will reach that spiritual release after this life. We have to start our spirituality and awakening at a much younger age . So as crazy as this sounds, I came up with an idea to leave behind clues for my next vessel. So far I have only come up with a QR code hidden on my tombstone for any of my future selves to find if they find themselves inexplicably drawn to my burial plot. I am working on what information I will be including to this clue, but kind of hit a roadblock. How can I safeguard the clue so that only my reincarnated self will have the intuitive thought to decode it's message and receive it?? For that matter, is it possible I have already left myself clues from my past life and am not seeing it yet??

I have been attracted to grave sites and cemetaries since I was a young boy. I always thought it was cuz I was just some macabre little freak who watched too many zombie movies. Perhaps it was a different reason altogether, maybe my spirit has been searching for clues from my past vessel??

Qhatever the reason, it does say in the Bhagavad Gita that those who choose to serve the supreme Godhead, and live their life until death with just such a mindset will come back elevated higher than they were previously. I am not that far into this book, but it kind of seems to be alluding that the more often you take the spiritual journey and all of life with service to the Creator in heart and soul the closer to escaping the material cycle of life and death we become with each successive rebirth.

So I can admit I am not going to reunite with the Creator on this cycle. But changing my life to serve the Supreme with every conscious action will help to elevate my next iteration and get closer still.

I mean, that is of course if you believe in any of this. Most folks in North/South America, Europe and Russia would dismiss this as the lunatic rantings of Pagans or heretics, or just in general lunacy.

Luckily in the USA, we are protected by the first Amendment in being Allowed to hold these opinions and beliefs without persecution. Europeans are now being arrested for misgendering on social media posts, so who knows how long before they relaunch the crusades.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Here's my low IQ respnse.... Evil is Live backwards. Whoa!

posted on Mar, 12 2024 @ 01:49 PM
Death is the absence of life as darkness is nothing but absence of light. Darkness and death do not exist, only life and light exist.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I mean, that is of course if you believe in any of this. Most folks in North/South America, Europe and Russia would dismiss this as the lunatic rantings of Pagans or heretics, or just in general lunacy.

When certain religious concepts demand that existence must be observed and judged what happens to creation?

The Pagans were there first, creating.

Personally the only thing worth coming back for again and again is love, the creator seemingly retired a while ago or maybe it's the neverending story of war that's threw it all off. The hand of God has writer's block and nothing is original anymore.

Anyways, I'm unsure physical reminders can have the effect you wish for although I do wish you luck. Some people do get visions or even flashbacks but these often send the individual a little crazy essentially looking for the wrong tree to bark up. I've had a couple myself... Also did a bit barking at times too.

My own experiences and intuition tell me the best repository is accessed via dreams, places only you can ever access where very little can be left to interpretation. You'll know your own grave when you lay in it. If you ever find that place I hope you find the kind of peace and solitude only death offers because it's only in that place you'll realise the issue with the ascension malarkey, that it's hopeless and pointless alone.

I know I'd rather endlessly create the same things too. I know that love is the gift that never gets old. Coming back to meet God... Yet the creator is behind the veil. For me that's the wrong tree.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: RAY1990
Yes actually you are right about the dreams. I suspect some of the ones I had as a child were possible memories of a previous life. The kind where people feel familiar to me but I have not seen or met them before in this life. After adulthood, most of my dreams typically involve folks I have met or recognize, or saw in media.

There are still surreal adventures, but nothing original. Not like when we were young. I suppose as time goes and we create new memories within the new material vessels, those from our past fade away into archives, only accessible in the infinite and also instant time lapse between lives.

posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I've mentioned before having a dream of being baptised at a church near a cathedral, I'm not baptised but one of my brother's were baptised at that church under eerily similar circumstances to this dream. Ice cold painful rain with a strong breeze... Apparently my brother didn't stop crying the whole way and that's what I remember too, for a while I genuinely thought it was one of my first memories but as I say I've never been baptised, not in a church anyways nor as a baby.

I've somewhat mentioned "the labyrinth" dream I have every few years here too which is always associated with migraines. Long story short there's a little crawl space I always end up in which is no bigger than an air duct. A grave of sorts with trinkets of sorts that I've lost irl. I'd struggle to explain that place tbh, the things in that Crawlspace create very strong emotional memory recollection which is a bit of a trip when you're in a dream.

The main reason I'm mentioning that place is the very first time I got in I was sharing that place with the last occupant which was rather scary to a kid. A skeleton and markings scratched into a stone wall... Names and dates mostly but there was items too.

Idk, it's a bit out there tbh lol. In these dreams I was always chased into that spot and hated going anywhere near it. Actual panic attacks and I do ok with keeping calm, I look forward to it these days because I realise it's a safe space packed with the right things.

I'm totally open to these repetitive dreams being subconscious musings but I've never met anyone who can even begin to decode what it's all about.

. I suppose as time goes and we create new memories within the new material vessels, those from our past fade away into archives

This gave a huge sense of deja vu


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