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Is it Critical That Trump or Biden Win Over Supporters of former Candidate Nikki Haley.?

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posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare y/ar-BB1jgCrE

Double-haters may be the defining factor in who becomes President.
edit on q00000049331America/Chicago2020America/Chicago3 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

Alright, let's look at other facts then.
Trumps approval ceiling is 49%.
He is the first president in modern history to not break that 50% threshold.

all right let us look at some facts,

trumps average is still higher than bidens to date, biden highest lasted 5 five months of 50 plus then it's been down hill till now at 38% lowest point was 37%.
according to gallop.

but we all know polls are about bullsh@@ and can be made to say which ever pollsters want them to say.

like most of the polls said trump couldn't, wouldn't win in 2016, man they sure had to eat a big ol bowl that year.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Joe Biden

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

another example for 2024 Decision Desk HQ is saying trump will win with 312 to bidens 226 which would be a thorough ass kicking. slo joe won't come out of the basement until he dies if this happens.

but again as i said polls are about bullsh@@.

March 16, 2024

This is interesting regarding "traditional" Republicans wanting Trump-MAGA to elicit support from "Haley and her Democrats"...

The apparatus of the Republican influence system is not happy that President Trump has not reached out to Nikki Haley and her coalition of Democrats in order to solicit their support. Politico outlines the unhappiness amid the Koch network that President Trump has not called them or asked for their support.

The MAGA movement should anticipate the professional Republican apparatus now looking to embed Bush-Cheney-Haley types to control the outcomes of Donald Trump, and the likelihood of a successful presidential race. Nothing angers the professional Republicans quite like ignoring them and being successful without their crustless triangle cucumber sandwiches.

If ANY GROUP of voters does not care enough about slowing and reversing price inflation of key products, to VOTE TRUMP and make that happen....SCREW THEM. 😎

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:01 PM



YOUr Choice

edit on 16-3-2024 by MetalThunder because: NOt SHY

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:12 PM
I know I'm on like page four, but let me ask everyone... We know liberals voted in her support, so removing those numbers what is really her support? I personally know not a single person who would give her a minute of their time, so who are these Haley supporters?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I know I'm on like page four, but let me ask everyone... We know liberals voted in her support, so removing those numbers what is really her support? I personally know not a single person who would give her a minute of their time, so who are these Haley supporters?

May 23, 2024

Today, liberals are embarrassed once again. They supported Niki Haley in state primaries, because she spoke so harshly of candidate, former President, Donald J. Trump. Today, they have egg-on-face (again), as former candidate Nikki Haley not only endorsed Trump, but labeled Biden and Democrats a CATASTROPHE.

Not long ago, the former South Carolina governor was arguing that Donald Trump was too old, too chaotic, too “unhinged” and too prone to temper tantrums to be president again and said he couldn’t beat President Joe Biden.

“I feel no need to kiss the ring,” Haley said in February before suspending her primary campaign. “My political future is of no concern.”

But today, she delivered the implicit endorsement everyone knew was coming sooner or later.

Haley said that while Trump had not been “perfect” on issues that matter to her, like foreign policy and the national debt, Biden had been a “catastrophe.”

“So, I will be voting for Trump,” said the former US ambassador to the United Nations, who served in the ex-president’s Cabinet.

The same low-integrity media outlets who said, "Haley will never endorse Trump. Never!", are now eating crow, and (as you see above) telling us a lie by saying, "We knew her endorsement of Trump was coming, sooner or later".

Idiots. 🤡

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