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originally posted by: dontmindme123
a reply to: marg6043
I am sure biden with help them establish their scientific base and will give them all the materials they need to get them started, you know with tax payer money.
are you sure about that?
what happens when that does not happen? Does your credibility drop? Do you apologize for being wrong? Serious questions here...
originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: FlyersFan
Not to be out done, North Korea lays claim to the moon!
originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: theatreboy
Oh, poor thing, do you want some violin background with you rant defending terrorist.
Darn you even make them sound like they are even humans.
originally posted by: FlyersFan
originally posted by: theatreboy
That was one of the most bigoted things i have ever read!
Then you need to get out more.
Why wouldn't Iranians be interested in penguins?
Because their 'spare cash' goes to fund state sponsored terrorism .. not arctic science investigations. None of their vessels have ice breaking capabilities either. Iran puts money into technology for obvious reasons, but not so much the animal science part. Google Iran penguin research and see what it gets ya'.
Do you believe all the money the government is sending to Antarctica is being used to study science?
originally posted by: stu119
Last time.i checked all of Antarctica had been claimed, they looking for a war over the territory?
originally posted by: reader110
a reply to: FlyersFan
if you think the usa hasnt stashed weapons there, youre high.
there hasnt been 1 (one) treaty the usa has NOT broken,
from the very first treaty with indians, to no weapons in space,
to no nato eastward expansion.. to bushes "NO NEW TAXES"
to helping ukraine "FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES"
usa broke so many treaties, giving the word TREATY a bad name
they HAD TO CHANGE THE NAME to accords, then pact,
agreement, truce,... if we KEPT our agreemints,
we wouldnt need the marines!!! or 900 army bases all over the world
in case those peasants rise up..
but once iran parks their air defence and hypersonics,
and their super massive cargo ship turned mobile army base
nearby, they can keep americans away from them,
plus IRAN's secret SCALAR WAVE TECH,
can disable or FRY the electronics of ANYTHING
the usa or anyone else sends their way...
ask the uss donald cook, or the french
during war games, off usa east coast, maybe 2008-2015
a french sub defeated usa ... using scalar waves that
originally posted by: reader110
a reply to: FlyersFan
if you think the usa hasnt stashed weapons there, youre high.
there hasnt been 1 (one) treaty the usa has NOT broken,
from the very first treaty with indians, to no weapons in space,
to no nato eastward expansion.. to bushes "NO NEW TAXES"
to helping ukraine "FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES"
usa broke so many treaties, giving the word TREATY a bad name
they HAD TO CHANGE THE NAME to accords, then pact,
agreement, truce,... if we KEPT our agreemints,
we wouldnt need the marines!!! or 900 army bases all over the world
in case those peasants rise up..
but once iran parks their air defence and hypersonics,
and their super massive cargo ship turned mobile army base
nearby, they can keep americans away from them,
plus IRAN's secret SCALAR WAVE TECH,
can disable or FRY the electronics of ANYTHING
the usa or anyone else sends their way...
ask the uss donald cook, or the french
during war games, off usa east coast, maybe 2008-2015
a french sub defeated usa ... using scalar waves that
originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: FlyersFan
Poor Iran, they most be really bored to dead this days, beside wagging war on US ships, I guess they want to be taken seriously this days.
Let them send their soldiers to Antarctica and let them freeze their balls.