Hello ATSers, Watchers, Gov Traitors,
What is dead, cannot die!
Thanks to so many in mid 2020 when I found this site and learned much. A former Sleeper; no I did not vote for any of the current administrations,
thought Princess Diana died to a drunk chauffeur, never believed the 911 press junket, as I watched it live, I noticed the “mini explosions”
throughout the lower floors and thought, ‘Hey, that looks awfully peculiar and how convenient that the buildings (even the one not hit by a plane,
pancaked down into itself.’ Then about a week or a month later, an airplane crashed into a building in the Philippines and it did not fall. Good
luck finding that story, I have tried.
By the by, I realized there are those who cannot play nicely in the sandbox with others and somehow managed to be in positions of power. I find
politicians to be weak, insecure people who crave power, worship money and want to be idolized as they idolize other self-centered, egotistical
I am aware that I am “awoke”
but still have crust around the lashes and haven’t even slipped out of bed yet!
Many of you, I thought, share the same ideas/morals/principles but then so much has been happening that I realized (rather regrettably), that I
cannot/should not ever say, “ This one here is my mate, he (or she) gets me”. Yes, no two are alike and diversity opens the mind, but I hold fast
to my truths. I loathe hypocrisy and fight like mad to avoid it. The one I have the hardest time with is my innate tendency to help people when given
enough time, I tend to not.., well, I tend to only like people in small doses. I believe George Carlin had something clever to say about this.
Humanity, in my opinion, would be better off without people who worship money over humanity, power over kindness, and vitriol over laughter.
That’s about it, the nut in the shell!
edit on 6-2-2024 by UnRepentantHarlequin27 because: A tiskit a taskit a green & yellow
edit on Tue Feb 6 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: staff edit