originally posted by: ThisPlaceIsADream
a reply to: Compendium
*** And returning to my original post, I struggle with the concept of HH's depiction (confirmed to some extent in other works such as "The Secret
Doctrine") that, whilst there is One Absolute (my terminology) there are 'sub-Gods or Logos'. I sort of intellectually accept that, but more
disturbing is that the one in charge of this Realm particularly, is an angry & jealous God; powerful but flawed.
Q. So to whom are my prayers going? A.( I hope) it doesn't matter as it's what's in the heart that counts.
Hey, Compendium, any thoughts on this specific area, ie Gods & sub Gods/Logos?
HH is misrepresenting the concepts of
creation and
decay within macrocosm/microcosm exchange of torus/sphere/cell
The torus of the tiniest cells, make up the composition of the larger cells torus. Who in turn make up the composition of the torus above
All the way from largest to smallest, they work together as one. As without any given layer, regardless of how big or small, none of them could
Even the decay, within things like sickness, corruption and destruction, is essential towards promoting new and improved forms of creation, within the
vector exchange of the equilibrium
Logos refers to the systems and workings of any sphere of influence
Something which has been promoted within today's understanding of the word "Logo"
If you see the logo for a particular business, or company that is known to us, it carries with it an understanding of exactly how they operate
We see the logo for a known fast food chain, we recognise the products attached to that logo. The manner in which they are made, and the process we go
through in order to obtain them
Likewise, if we were to look at a particular type of known cell, we recognise the potential of that cell. If it is a cell that causes disease or
sickness. Or if it is one that promotes health and wellness
Likewise, if we were to look at the sun, we recognise its potential within things such as orbits, light and the promotion of life within the planets
of the solar system, and their subsequent exchange to each other
This is logos
The recognition of the systems and workings, within any given sphere of influence
YHWH personifies the
The first-person imperfect of "To be", is not "I am". It is "question"
That which the first person needs perceive, in order for it "to be"
This is where the misunderstanding of the translation "I am" comes from
It is not "I AM" in the perceived understanding of self-awareness of ones individuals conscious. But rather within the consideration of that which
defines them
I AM LOVE, because I have been loved, and given love
I AM PAIN, because I have known pain, and given pain
The curiousity. The wonder. The beauty
As it is also ...
The horror. The melancholy. The disgrace
It is the question of that which defines you. Which amounts to the answer itself
With: אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (’ehye ’ăšer ’ehye), amounting to "
The Question Answered Question"
As extended to the widely misunderstood:
I am what/who I am
I love, therefore I am love
I seed and create, therefore I am creator
I pain, therefore I am pain
I consume and destroy, therefore I am decay
It is the understanding, that who you are by title, is unimportant. When compared to, that which we do
As is, a similar understanding of any possible "creator" that s supposed to be promoted
Who" or "
What" they are, is not important
All that is important, is
that which they do. Or that which they have done for us
"You need not understand how a flower sprouts, to appreciate its beauty"
The original teachings state, that none should concern themselves with trying to define or name the source of our collective creation
As to do such, amounts to nothing more than an attempt to possess, own or claim rights to, that which is not yours to possess, own or claim rights to
Or that which you have not yet earned, and do not yet understand
"You do not know. So you should not present yourself as someone who does
Nor even, as one who assumes to give titles of affinity and ownership to such things unknowable
This is what is meant within the teachings that say "No one knows the true name of God"
What HH is promoting, is no different to fundamental problems promoted in relative belief systems. Where these concepts have been twisted and turned
into something that is the exact opposite of what it is supposed to teach
The question answered question" has been turned around, and interpreted to mean, that "the unknowable, can be defined, by a term of ownership,
given to the unknowable"
But this is a corruption that can only ever lead to disputes in what is defined to be "held" in ownership by particular groups, within perception and
"My God, is better than, your God"
Because one person sees the source of creation as "God", whilst the other needs no such name to perceive the concept of a creative source
The reality is, that we found ourselves born into this world, as a mastered part of the creation, without the need for any perception of named
concepts for our creation, such as "God"
It needed no help being named by us in our birth. So why would it need us to name it within our life?
The Jews understand the issue with the "named God" and tried to fix it, by promoting another corrupted, backwards concept, of the names of God being
If you do not know the name, then you should not name them like you do", became "
Only those who understand the most among us, should use
the name"
This has created a whole stigma, with people being reluctant to use the name, as they should be (because they do not know such things for certain, to
be able to name them), without them understanding "why" they are reluctant to name such things
To irony is, that those that feel the need to define and name the unknown aspects within the source of our creation, are actually as far away from
understanding the nature of our creative source, as any can be. Such as with those the Jews consider "worthy" to use such names
Your prayers should go to the source of our creation
You do not need to define it by name. Nor by any type of nature, other than that which gave you your ability to be here in this world
As it gave you your ability to live, so should you live for what it gave you
As it gave you the ability to love, so should you love for what it gave you
Within Illumination, we are taught that there are two states you can exist in within this world
Creation - Where you seek to give more back to this world, than you take, or is taken from you
Decay - Where you seek to take more from this world, than you give, or what is offered to you
All you need to do, is honour and love any possible version of the creator, regardless of how it could be perceived or named ...
By honouring and loving the creation, and the sacrifices made within it, so that you can persist
If you love the child, you love the parents
If you love the creation, you love the creator
God does not need you to name them, in order to be that which they are
If they do, then they are no God
Let God be, as God is
Unto you, as to your divinity