posted on Jan, 5 2024 @ 07:24 PM
There is no such thing as junk DNA, it all has a purpose in regulating all sorts of things in our bodies including metabolism, food choices to be
healthy or sick, or appearance. Just because we have not yet discovered it's purpose yet or we do not know how it interacts with everything does not
mean it is junk.
The health regulating and food regulating agencies are not going to admit they screwed up. That would make them look bad. People would lose faith in
them if they told us everything. Peer reviewing research is used lots of times to protect consensus of the time of the science involved so it won't
make them look like they messed up. It also keeps them from being liable for their mistakes in the medical field.
Most of the issues with blood type diet are related to clotting factors. I am type A blood, so a burger can elevate risk of clotting but putting an
onion and maybe a little garlic salt on it can lower that risk a lot...I always put onions on hot dogs and hamburgers, been doing that since I was a
kid and long before that book was written on the blood type diet. I actually will not get a hot dog at a stand if there is not onions at the
stand....been that way for as long as I can remember...somewhere along the line I must have learned that subconsciously.
People have been decieving people to be able to control them since the Roman empire...maybe farther but I have no translations of info to read past
that. All governments do that, so do societies. They also try to make us dependent on those who are in charge or make us fear what would happen if
they are not running things.. It is not much different now than it has been all along, now they use evidence that is interpreted to fit their need or
desired outcome to do it. They are no better at hiding the truth these days than in the past yet they believe they are. They get influential people
in society to parrot their deceit so people believe it, they also put a little bit of truth in it to trick people into believing it is all true.
I don't get much into crypto-zoology that much except to say that I do believe there are still some of the creatures they call big foot or yeti around
yet, and that if they told us they exist, they would all be stuffed and sitting in hunters collections. It is good people think they do not exist. I
believe that they do not eat humans, so I am not afraid of them....but I would be very cautious if I saw one because not all my beliefs are real.
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