posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 04:37 PM
This is just pure speculation on my part based on a handful of cases I have reviewed.
The taking of certain organs and facial tissues and blood removal might indicate a culinary preference.
Cheek tissue is a delicacy in some practices as well as particular organs and the consumption of blood.
I am not an authority on this so please take my input with a grain of salt.
The case of the organs that were removed from cattle near a test site due to the radiation collection of those organs may have been for scientific
study and analysis.
The fact that most of these cases are with surgical precision and using advanced techniques to leave a corpse in relatively good condition speaks of a
degree of care and consideration for the animals remains which indicates high intelligence and respect for the dead.
I know not all cases fit this profile but that's my two cents.
Whomever or whatever is performing these mutilation would no doubt make excellent surgeons, provided they don't stop for a quick pancreatic snack
while their charge is on the operating table.
edit on 12/27/23 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)