posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to:
A 21 year old should NOT be in a sexual relationship with a 15 year old.
16 year old or possibly 17 year old I can sort of get, but definitely not a 21 year old.
They allegedly met in a bar?
I can remember way back in the day when I was in my late teens-early twenty's me and my mates were always very cautious about girls who looked
borderline 18 years old - possibly one of the reasons why from the age of 16 onwards I had quite a few relationships with females who were older than
me but perhaps best not to gp there in this thread.
Not sure if its pedophilia as such. Many 15 year olds are very mature looking.
If the guy has knowing had a sexual relationship with her then he needs to be punished in full accordance with the law - absolutely no excuses
If she has misled him about how old she is then I guess a case may be made for a certain amount of leniency.
I have a daughter, fortunately long since passed being 15 years old - I will not go into details what I would have done if a 21 year old had been in a
sexual relationship with her when she was that young.
But one question; where were the parents or guardians of the girl?
Certainly not trying to shift blame and obviously we aren't aware of all the related facts and details but in this day and age?