posted on Nov, 29 2023 @ 11:05 PM
For over fifty years I had all kinds of headaches, some from Tyramines, some from migraines, and some from sinus problems. Some were from aldehydes
too, which was related to my hangovers when I had more than two beers. I would have probably eight to ten days a month of headaches total every
month. I was used to them, they were just part of my life.
I now rarely have headaches, maybe one lasting hours in the morning till I get my coffee on occasion.
What changed? I made a lot of changes in my diet to control my epilepsy, lowered my tyramine consumption down to a far lower amount, and I quit
drinking alcohol pretty much totally. I started taking a mineral supplement and that helped a lot, so researched it and it was most probably the
molybdenum that helped to create a co=enzyme that lowered some of the headache risk...then had my genetics done and got a gene of the first
things I checked was for molybdenum cofactor deficiency and it was pretty evident I made little of that. I have taken sodium or amonium molybdate in
a supplement ever since, and that helped with two of the types of headaches which are often considered migraines. Diet changes to control my epilepsy
got rid of most of the other. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a little bit of sugar, and half cup of water mixed after eating popcorn or other
foods I have been trying to properly identify takes care of that type. A proteinase...I use bromelaine 500 mg...can keep me or take away a milk or
milk related headache. I can also eat a grapefruit after eating ice cream or just a little fresh pineapple pieces and the headache goes away faster
than an aspirin can take effect.
It seems weird not to have like eight days of headaches a month, it seems unnatural for me. I was told about the cheese headaches already when I was
young, and researched that back in the late sixties at the library in medical journals. but I liked cheese and restricting it to some cheaper cheeses
to avoid those headaches was hard, that aziago and good tasty real cheese is so tasty. Then there was the beer, I was a teenager...Also tyramine
chemistry, anything aged including sour Kraut and pizzas.
The sinus headaches went away when I learned to take the bromelaine or grapefruit with it's active proteinase enzymes. The headaches from upcoming
thunderstorms have also gone away...I haven't got a clue why those quit...but who cares...they quit.
What caused this reduction of headaches to almost nothing? Not sure, so many changes could have caused the majority of them to disappear. I am glad
they are gone, it was almost a quarter of my life I spent with headaches from age five...the earliest I age fifty five when I
implemented the changes. I wish I would have initially kept better observations of what caused the declines so I could help people but I did not in
the beginning, it took me a couple of months before I comprehended the drastic reduction of headaches.