posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 03:57 AM
Dunno...I can only give you my opinions of how I see it/think it/feel it to be. There are no doubt many reasons why they possibly would want to...but
these are mine. Not saying they are the right ones, or fact or anything, just throwing out my thoughts:
I don't see Greys as being little green (Grey) men from outer space at all. I believe them to be principally non-physical entities, spirits of sorts,
that seem to possess the ability to breach from one non-physical plane into this physical one...and to even gain semi (if not full) materalisation in
body form while here. I believe most abductions are done NOT in a physical in not like ET coming in through your window at night and removing
your body...I believe the 'abductions' are on a spiritual, psychic, level...the taking of ones consciousness rather than their body.
I've also found that many people who have experienced these things seem to also be more 'spiritually aware' than most 'normal' people. They tend
to have a little 'something' going on, like the ability to sense what others may otherwise overlook or just not acknowledge. They seem to be
connected to realms other than this one we physically exist upon.
Perhaps that connection is a key component. Perhaps that seeming 'link' with the spiritual realms those people have is the very link, the very point
of breach between this world and others...perhaps they almost act as 'gateways' of sorts for 'whatever' to come through, or to gain access to
I also believe abductions can be like a family trait. Again, perhaps that is linked to a deeper spiritual awareness...for often those who are
spiritually aware have parents who are/were as well.
Guess what I'm saying is that maybe its easier for them (whoever them/they are) to get to you if you are already kinda (in part) there...again that
whole 'link' thing.
Why?? Dunno. But I do believe this is a battle that has raged for eons...the ancient battle of Good Vs Evil, Light Vs Dark...and I do believe that
like any battle it requires soldiers. Perhaps abductions are like 'recruitments', a 'forced draft' of sorts...or perhaps just an attempt to
disempower or disable a possible future soldier for the other side by messing with their minds...manipulating them and maybe even turning them,
getting those people to fight on their side. There are elements within my own dreams that seem to indicate that possibility.
I do believe we are at War...right now...and I do believe this War is in a way being fought on this level, this physical world...but its main battle
is (and likely always has been) fought elsewhere...on a spiritual one.
I come back to those people who are more 'enlightened/aware' being targets for these things...perhaps these are exactly the kinds of people who
would make up the 'legions' needed in such a, if I was an enemy, and if I wanted to gain an advantage over my opponent, then I'd be
wanting to scout out, to disable, and to turn my opponents future 'batch' of warriors.
Just some random thoughts...