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Introducing ZeroHedge Live Debates: Laura Loomer Vs. Dave Smith Over Israel-Hamas War

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posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 08:13 AM
Introducing ZeroHedge Live Debates: Laura Loomer Vs. Dave Smith In Wednesday Showdown Over Israel-Hamas War

Modern discourse has devolved into headlines and soundbites. Gone are the great debates of decades past, when luminaries such as Buckley and Vidal, Chomsky and Foucault, or Tucker and Carville spent the better part of an hour hashing out issues on the national stage. These unfiltered, pre-internet debates, untainted by self-serving echo chambers and the biased lens of corporate media, served to actually inform - not manipulate - the public, and shape official policy.

This should be interesting.

I can't stand Loomer, she's a f**king idiot. I expect Dave Smith to absolutely embarrass her, if she's even capable of being embarrassed.

I haven't even looked yet to see who's debating which side. I'm going to check now.

It looks like Smith will be arguing on the side of the Palestinians being abused by Israel.

For those unfamiliar, Dave Smith is a comedian and Libertarian. He's gotten some popularity lately breaking down the Ukraine situation going back to the coup instigated by the Obama regime in 2014.

Loomer is a grifter who usually tries to ride Trump's coattails. She's very "cringe" as the kids would say.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 11:52 AM
I did like Laura in the run up to the last election, she got hit hard by the mail in ballot. I was a bit surprised by just how gun ho she is with Israel, a lot of others shocked me as well. The history books don't forget this kink of stuff anytime soon. There will be some contention on the numbers. The vibe is not as easy to hide.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: kwaka

I had only heard about her 2nd hand until she did Tim Pool's show and spent the entire time tearing into DeSantis.

His campaign has been an absolute disaster, but he's been fantastic for Florida.

She didn't have any coherent arguments against him either. Just making up silly names like she was still in Jr High.

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