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Montauk SAGE Radar

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posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:29 AM
While looking into the Montauk Project, I stumbled across a website ( that posted an email from a person who visited the SAGE Radar at Montauk. The interesting aspect is that this individual states that there was a plaque that simply read Philadelphia:

“…a small bronze plaque within the main rotor-drive of the dish (located on the top-most inner level of the structure) that read, simply, "Philadelphia."”

Because Montauk AFS and the Philadelphia Experiment are related to a certain extent, this piqued my curiosity.

As I set out to research what is the significance of the plaque that reads “Philadelphia’, my first thought was that this was some designation installed by the manufacturer. ( indicates that the manufacturer for the Montauk Radar was Sperry Gyroscope. Thinking that perhaps the manufacturing plant for Sperry Gyroscope might be in ‘Philadelphia’, that is were I turned next. However, the Sperry Gyroscope Company was located in Brooklyn, New York. I assume it is possible that the company had a manufacturing plant in Philadelphia, given the close proximity to New York, but I could not find anything to verify this.

In fact, the only reference I could find linking Elmer Sperry (the founder of Sperry Gyroscope), or just Sperry Gyroscope for that matter, to Philadelphia was that he attended the 1876 Philadelphia Exposition.

Because it is always possible to overlook something, or maybe just not look in the right place, I thought I would see if any others interested in the Montauk Project might be able to shed some light on this “plaque”.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:18 AM
Anyone on the east coast able to trip out to montauk and verify that there is this plaque?

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Anyone on the east coast able to trip out to montauk and verify that there is this plaque?

I don't think it's as simple as that.

Some ATS'ers have been up there before but haven't gotten too close. I doubt that there would be a plaque on the side of the radome though.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 09:41 AM
The subject of the 'Montauk Project' has facinated me for quite some time.

I think my interest in this subject began with the reading of the first book of the "Montauk series" trilogy of books written by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon. An excellent but strange read to say the least...

Anyway...there are tons of interconnecting synchonicities that relate back to this subject. The involvement of the names "Cameron" & "Wilson", scientists involved with the supposed project, connections with Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons & JPL, Electronic Transitor (E.T.) Company, Radiosonde technology, MK Ultra, mind control, time travel...and yes, even connections with Philadelphia and related phenomena with the 'Philadelphia Project". I could go on & on with all sorts of connections... It is a very strage web to say the least.

I had read somewhere about the 'plaque' on the radar tower before (a website I think)...and it doesn't surprise me that it just so happens to read 'Philadelphia'. As much of an enigma that Montauk is just another one of those odd things that make you go Hmmmmm... Somewhere I had seen pictures posted of the SAGE radar assembly (or what is left of it anyway) and there was indeed a picture of the above mentioned plaque with "Philadelphia" cast into it in bold print. So...yep- there is such a plaque.

Interestingly, at one time there was a wealth of info concerning this subject as well as additional info posted by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon out there on the 'net...but it seems that nothing fresh has been posted anywhere about this strange subject in quite some time. It almost seems as if Mr. Nichols and Mr. Moon have been made to keep quiet and are no longer 'on the scope' so to speak... I haven't read anything recently to suggest that they are 'still on the case'.

Of course, all recent reports of visitors on the Montauk grounds say that the area is nearly completely destoyed by vandalism and the buildings & facilities are left in a state so that 'there isn't really much to see' anymore. It seems as if the facility is 'aging' and decaying faster than would be normal after it was 'abandoned'...

I'm just wondering what ever happend to Preston Nichols or Peter Moon as of late. I haven't heard anything new in quite some time, and I'm curious. Anyone know??

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 10:15 AM
Thanks for the great post, SkiFreak. So I guess it is confirmed that there is such a plaque, now, the question is why is it there. Most likely, it’s just some innocent thing, such as where something was made (but hopefully not, this is a good 'mystery'

I was not aware of the connection between Montauk, Philadelphia and Aleister Crowley. I think I will diverge into that avenue for a little while.

In my opinion, I think the interest in Montauk went down once the majority of the old base was opened up to visitors, because a big thing that conspiracy theorists always liked to mention was the fact that when the base closed, it was given to NY to be a state park, but after many years it was still closed to the public.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 12:15 PM
I'm pretty sure that the area around the radar station and its close buildings are fenced off - it's been over a year since I was there last. But there are miles of trails you can hike or bike (or even ride horses on) and some great views from the bluffs if anyone is interested in going out there.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by DCFusion
Thanks for the great post, SkiFreak. So I guess it is confirmed that there is such a plaque, now, the question is why is it there. Most likely, it’s just some innocent thing, such as where something was made (but hopefully not, this is a good 'mystery'

I was not aware of the connection between Montauk, Philadelphia and Aleister Crowley. I think I will diverge into that avenue for a little while.

In my opinion, I think the interest in Montauk went down once the majority of the old base was opened up to visitors, because a big thing that conspiracy theorists always liked to mention was the fact that when the base closed, it was given to NY to be a state park, but after many years it was still closed to the public.

Probrably the best avenue to follow these synchronicities & parallels concerning Montauk is to simply read the book "Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity" written by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon- which is the 2nd book of the 3 book Montauk series. It has a wealth of information regarding this aspect. I highly recommend this book.
You should be able to find it easilly in a good bookstore, Amazon, or other online sources- though probrably not in a local library. can't barrow my copy!

A Link to find it:


[edit on 16-4-2005 by SkiFreak]

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:01 PM
i THINK this is the site detailing the trips some ATS'ers made out to camp hero....someone correct me if i'm wrong

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Nygdan

Yes, the plaque is there. I have been physically ill since my last trip mid June, I had made many trips the month before. WHat went on out there either caused my fathers death or as many have suggested to me he may have been 'declared zero?' given a new identity, blah blah. My fathers 'job' in the late 70's up until he died in early '81 (at the age of 31!) was hush hush. He worked at Grumman on LI, for years I thought he worked FOR Grumman but I found out a few years back he was a federal employee on premises for whatever reason. Anyway last trip I was able to have time alone on the base (usually I have my kid with me), all I can say is yes the plaque is in there. Some thigns people have heard about the base are not true but the experimentation of mind control, weather control, and time travel did exist.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by DCFusion

I see new people become interested in this story every day, camp hero has been ripped apart long before the conspiracy theory books came out, even if the plaque was still there it wouldn't prove anything, I think if you really want to know the truth behind the montauk project myth you need to look at the 3 men most responsible for releasing this information to the public, preston nichols and co-author peter moon and al bielek. I've researched the story as much as a west coaster can, and short of having been to the base I've read every book on the subject, and have even communicated with preston nichols, this is what I see in these 3 men, this isn't a list of assumptions, it's what I've seen after watching many videos, hearing many interviews, reading many books.

Preston Nichols, the most legit of the three, he probably is a genius with electronics as he claims, but he seems to have some sort of disorder, one would say it was due to the experiment but stepping back for a moment, it's quite possible, there never was any experiment. I'm not a doctor and don't claim to know what he suffers from.

Al Bielek, sells the philadelphia experiment, a story invented and created by 1 man, Carlos Allende, Bielek saw the ignorance on the subject and used it to his advantage by making a living preaching to UFO fans that were eager to eat up his words, which are 100% fabricated, his soul never was sucked out by aliens and put into another body, he never served on the U.S.S. Eldridge, the source of the story is Carlos Allende, and in my opinion has been proven a hoax, his attempt to mix the montauk project with the philadelphia experiment is only to renew the dying story strictly for financial gain, now I don't claim he makes a good living but I also don't feel sorry for him, at this point it's possible he believes his own lies.

Peter Moon aka Vince Barbarick, owns Skybooks USA, met Preston and knew almost instantly that his stories would be a gold mine, ex-scientologist yet is still very fond of hubbard, appears to have dabbled in the occult and other things but overall is a salesman and editor for Nichols who happens to have poor grammar skills.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by Razimus]

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