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Should women serve in special forces?

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posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 08:42 AM
First of all I dont want another who has the best ? thread or comments of a sexual nature that might offend even if they are funny.

I support women serving in the worlds eliet forces.

A sweet face can do wonders this isnt a put down ever here a male fliting his way out of a parking ticket?
In certain situations a womens charm could be usefull.
In some cases Women are better in terms of indurance then there male counterparts of course much of this depends on the fitness of each person.

possable problems concerning sexual activity on the frontlines.

Surely if a women is good enough to serve in SF she wouldnt comprise her position by having sex during combat ops. Women should have to pass the same mental and phyical tests as there male counterparts if a women is good enough she has earned the right to serve with her male counter parts.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 03:29 PM
If "Special" means being nekkid back at the base then hell yeah!!!

Otherwise no way!

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by xpert11
First of all I dont want another who has the best ? thread or comments of a sexual nature that might offend even if they are funny.

I support women serving in the worlds eliet forces.

A sweet face can do wonders this isnt a put down ever here a male fliting his way out of a parking ticket?
In certain situations a womens charm could be usefull.
In some cases Women are better in terms of indurance then there male counterparts of course much of this depends on the fitness of each person.

possable problems concerning sexual activity on the frontlines.

Surely if a women is good enough to serve in SF she wouldnt comprise her position by having sex during combat ops. Women should have to pass the same mental and phyical tests as there male counterparts if a women is good enough she has earned the right to serve with her male counter parts.

LOL! WHAT? I almost didn't respond to this out of the shame I felt for finding that such a simple-minded, sexist view of women exists.

You say you support women being in the elite forces, but then you say a possible con is that they might have sex on the front lines? WHAT THE F is that about? What in god's name place did you come from that makes you think women will have some unavoidable urge to have sex when they are on a combat mission?

Do you honestly think... lol... unbelievable... do you honestly think that women have little or no control over their sex drive? Talk about sexism! Holy crap! And furthermore to even THINK that somehow women are naturally more promiscuous than men show you must have grown up in a windowless room watching a porn called "Succubus 2: Nyphomania".

As far as responding to your question...

Women should be allowed to do whatever men do as long as they have the same physical qualifications, none of which can be related to gender. For instance, a qualification to possess a penis is completely sexist and unrelated to the duties performed by special forces.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 08:41 PM

You say you support women being in the elite forces, but then you say a possible con is that they might have sex on the front lines? WHAT THE F is that about? What in god's name place did you come from that makes you think women will have some unavoidable urge to have sex when they are on a combat mission?

Go back and read my orginal post :shk: :shk: :shk:

Surely if a women is good enough to serve in SF she wouldnt comprise her position by having sex during combat ops

I didnt say women cant controll there sexual urges I was just offering differnt points of view for the debate try reading peoples posts before making dumb comments. :bash:

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 08:52 PM
Let me hazard a guess here, xpert11: You recently watched G.I. Jane?


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Let me hazard a guess here, xpert11: You recently watched G.I. Jane?


LOL not recently.
I was hoping to raise an interesting topic but as usual if you mention women and the military on the same page you are labeled a sexist without any thought into what has been said.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:02 PM

Proud Athiest
Crusader againgst reglion

try reading peoples posts before making dumb comments. :bash:

This advice is good. I will follow.

BTW, Seekerof, does your new avatar go by the name Reglion?

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:04 PM

I didnt say women cant controll there sexual urges I was just offering differnt points of view for the debate try reading peoples posts before making dumb comments.

While I won't concede that my comments were "dumb", I will admit they were pretty scathing. Do you seriously think that someone who is smart enough to access these forums would support that point of view? I honestly cannot understand why you would even offer that as a debatable point of view...? Maybe you can enlighten me.

The concept that women cannot control their sexual urges at all is quite funny actually if you have a sense of humor... however you contradict yourself even there. As I remember you said something like this:

First of all I dont want another who has the best ? thread or comments of a sexual nature that might offend even if they are funny.

What am I missing?

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:29 PM
Sure for one week out the month those terrorists wont know what hit em!

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:06 PM
If the woman makes the cut then by all means let them in. Maybe make an all female squad? I can see the benefits of that, brute strength is only part of it, alot of women can stand quite alot of pain, imagine what it feels like to push out a 8 pound loaf of bread out the you know what. Multitasking would also be an advantage, allthough I believe women are more suited to the Airforce(due to the fact they can stand more g forces then us males) some could make good Spec Ops.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:49 PM

While I won't concede that my comments were "dumb", I will admit they were pretty scathing. Do you seriously think that someone who is smart enough to access these forums would support that point of view? I honestly cannot understand why you would even offer that as a debatable point of view...? Maybe you can enlighten me.

You dont have to be a genius to acces ATS/PTS a few lines of what mods want to hear and your in. Just look at the UN is evil threads how smart are those people? ( by your logic they must be pretty dumb.) :shk:

The concept that women cannot control their sexual urges at all is quite funny actually if you have a sense of humor... however you contradict yourself even there. As I remember you said something like this:

What is funny to a few can offend many its a simple concept.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 12:08 AM
lol :bnghd:

gotta love when people half respond

--Good point on the G force thing!

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 12:30 AM
Women can't be out in the "Open BattleField" for too long or else they start getting "infections". I don't remember were I heard this but a man would last longer in a trench then a women would. But then again who fights wars in trenches*Modern Wars AT Least*?

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 12:33 AM
u don't think that the military issues personal hygiene kits for women for that very purpose?

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Greenwall
u don't think that the military issues personal hygiene kits for women for that very purpose?

And I'm pretty sure does kits cost the military millions a year. Just imagine what we could use with does millions lost, they can rather spend it on making our armies more efficient.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 01:12 PM
I highly doubt it costs millions... But even if it did, it's not like millions of dollars mean anything to the military. If they can spend millions and millions of dollars on R&R services, USO events, and on US holidays making sure that the soldiers feel comfortable, what's wrong with making sure their female soldiers are equally as comfortable? It's a question of how progressive our military wants to be.

I watched a program on TV last night about gays in the military, and how one retired general thinks that gays should not be allowed in the military because of the privacy issues and because of the potential to upset unit cohesiveness. I thought that was absurd... If the army really wanted to accept homosexuals they would beat it into you during training camp just like they beat into you the awareness of who's in control... Even despite the fact that it is everybody's right to serve in the armed forces, if the US military decides not to adjust with the times and allow women and gays to be involved at the same levels as heterosexual men, then we might as well toss in the towel now. China would gladly take over as the worlds most powerful military. Even now they are taking leaps and bounds to equal us...


posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 01:50 PM
Hmm, this is a very touchy subject that has gone one and on since the golden days swords and hammers.....

Physically, women are not upto par as men are. This is a fact.
Yes, you have your exceptions. I know many females in and not in the
military who exceed or come close to men...but they are few and far between.

All branches of the U.S. military have double standards when it comes to physical fitness test. Why? example: The vast majority of women cannot do
20 dead hang pullups or even 3 for that matter. So they just hold onto the bar and hang for a certain amount of time that equals to the amount of energy a male would put out when doing pull-ups.

Run times: Males and females run the same distance, however women have more time to complete the same distance than the guys do.

SNS and PNS!!!!
SNS is your sympathetic nervous system. When we are faced with life threatening situations our SNS kicks in overdrive.....SNS controls our bodies adreneline, motor skills, and reactions. It doesnt have to be combat...even after a car accident many of us have this.

Men have a longer SNS time than women do and our bodies produce more adreneline. A result of SNS is tunnel vision, urination, defication (if you have a load on stand-by), super hearing and loss of fine motor skills (If not rehearsed and practiced alot. ie: reloading your weapon)

All this stuff is good, I call it reptile brain.....survival mode. Tunnel vision allows you to focus. Your body is constantly saving up/storing fat, calories and working on a back up system. When SNS kicks all that ceases and your body is concerned with now at this will I survive.

PNS, parasympathetic nervous system, is like sleeping...your body is storing up what it needs to survive instead of using it.

Men have a faster PNS recovery time.

Think of it as a military base on a regualr monday afternoon...everyone is working in supply, the chowhall, fixing engines, training..that's PNS

Well when the alarm sounds...SNS kicks in and everyone grabs a gun no matter if you are a cook storing food or a supply guy stocking up whatever.
Fight or Flight...Live or die!!

Men have a better balance of SNS and PNS.

Here's a good link
SNS/PNS link, how it works.

I just read a great book on this...On Combat, by: Lt.Col Dave Grossman.

Pretty good reading about the mindstate of people in combat, both men and women.

[edit on 14/4/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 03:47 PM
New standard issue garb for women in Spec Ops:

[edit on 14-4-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Yes, 'some' women will/would make very effective spec. ops.
Not using their feminine nature would be the first thing to go.
Having done some covert tactics, I think this would go without saying that women would be an asset...

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