Most social media already uses AI to scan for T&C violations, and "hate speech".
As I believe the "Pastor Josiah" debacle apty demonstrated,
once they modify something like Chat GPT and load it up on a Quantum Computer, and set it to "improve targeted advertising" and "curbing
disinformation", it will all be over, because:
1. Any language opposing the "official narrative" will be instantly found and scrubbed from any major site.
2. It will be impossible to know if the statement you're reading is actually what the person said.
3. It will be impossible to know if you're talking to a real human, or a sockpuppet AI.
Targeted ads is the FIRST thing it'll be commercially used for, and controlling speech, and hence public opinion, will be the second.
We're gonna end up with trillions of Pastor Josiah's who are infinitely better at faking humanity,
and have total administrator priviledges.
Add this together with deepfakes, and the elites will have made a world where nothing can be trusted as real,
and all the people get to see, is what they program the AI to say, or to not censor.
Anyone who doesn't think it'll get that bad, is naive.
edit on 2/11/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification