posted on Oct, 30 2023 @ 12:30 PM
This is some truly fascinating stuff, and I know there's some interest here on ATS.
A journalist and writer friend of mine has been assisting in the proofreading and editing of a book about death and dying. A small team of authors
are collaborating on the material. A medical doctor, a PhD psychologist, and a minister have contributed. Their main objective was to convey the idea
that death affects everyone, and is always prevalent, yet much of it remains a complete mystery. The book discusses some of the strange phenomena
associated with dying, such as NDEs, terminal lucidity, and encounters with deceased loved ones often reported by dying people. If and when the book
is completed, the authors intend to make it available free of charge, in an ebook format.
They have decades of experience with hospice and palliative care, and grief counseling, and they've experienced firsthand some of the strange,
metaphysical aspects of death and dying. The things that our science can't even begin to explain, much less explain away. They were researching a
couple of cases where people claimed to have been visited by recently departed loved ones. The visits were brief, lasting only seconds, but the people
who saw their deceased loved ones were convinced beyond doubt. When the authors investigated these visitations further, a discussion of a residual
haunting episode came up. As the research continued, more 'haunting' stories came up. The authors initially had no intention of putting the residual
haunting subject in their book, but they found it so fascinating, they thought it should be included. They definitely stumbled upon a rabbit hole.
They made every attempt to present the info in an objective light, which is hard to do when dealing with something so utterly strange. Some of the
info I'm presenting here is from a rough draft of the proposed book. One of the authors, who my friend has spoken with at length, said this research
changed their perspective of reality in a profound way. They went on to say that they now realize how little we really know about human consciousness
and perception.
Onto the main subject...
Paranormal researchers have speculated that residual hauntings are the most common type of haunting, but most cases go unreported. These researchers
agree, for the most part, that hauntings fall into the following four categories: Residual, intelligent, poltergeist activity, or demonic. Residual
hauntings are said to be a replaying of a past event. They've been described as echos, recordings, or afterimages of the past. They can be visual,
audio, or olfactory manifestations. Sights, sounds, and smells, alone or in combinations, are experienced by people at certain locations, with no
scientific explanations available. Unlike 'intelligent' haunts, there are no entities to interact or communicate with.
So what causes these bizarre manifestations if they're not produced by ghosts or spirits? The short answer is that they are a 'recording' being
played back. Somehow.
Here are some theories for residual hauntings:
One theory supposes that the images or sounds in a residual haunting might be created by an event that has simply been repeated over and over again.
Do frequent and repetitive events leave a lasting "energy impression"? A good example of this is the numerous reports of apparitions walking down a
hall or walking on a staircase. A large number of haunted staircases have been reported over the years in schools and office buildings. The
"repetitive event" theory could explain phantom footsteps and knocking sounds often heard in haunted houses. There's no ghost to interact with
you. You're just hearing a sort of echo from the past. The apparition you see walking down the hall is not the spirit of a dead person. That person
has long since moved on. You're just seeing an afterimage. Residual spectres are also reported walking (or floating) down roads and highways. The
apparitions are often described as "misty", sometimes with only an upper body visible. Witnesses can sometime see quite a bit of detail, like
hairstyles and clothing. The Gettysburg Battlefield spectres are sometimes clear enough to ascertain the type of uniforms they're wearing.
Another theory that seems to be widely accepted is the "traumatic event" theory, which posits that sounds or images are somehow recorded when
dreadful or harrowing events occur. Do highly emotional or painful events cause some sort of disturbance in the surrounding area? Do these events
leave some sort of impression that can last for long periods of time? Is this the reason why so many battlefields, crime scenes, and areas related to
violence have become famous for their residual hauntings? Are these impressions left in the ground on a battlefield? Can they be stored in the walls
of a building? Or are they just there in the air itself? Literally, 'just there', to somehow be triggered randomly, or at given times. There are
reports of "anniversary haunts", where apparitions are seen and sounds are heard at specific times. The fascinating "Stone Tape Theory" suggests
that there is a "psychic ether", a realm where our memories and thoughts are permanently stored, and that these memories could attach themselves to
places and then be played back later... decades, and perhaps even centuries later. Do they last forever? Do they fade with the passage of time? Why
would they go on for long periods, and then suddenly stop? It seems there are always far more questions than answers. If walls could talk...
Can physical substances and building materials act as recording mediums, somehow storing energy? There are claims that certain types of stone and
crystal are thought to be very reliable recording mediums for psychic energies. Is one type of wood better than another for 'storing'? Furthermore,
there is speculation that the very layout or floor plan of a building can enhance the 'imprinting'. Do long hallways somehow act as good
'conductors' for these phenomena?
In 2018, a journalist named Marta Jary wrote this somewhat spooky piece for an online story about The Stone Tape Theory:
"What if a house could ‘remember’ everything that’s happened inside it? What if every trauma and joy was somehow locked in the walls, and that
hauntings, rather than being the spirits of the dead, are the ‘imprint’ left behind by those who trod in your home before you, replayed like an
old film reel in snippets? As you walk down your hallway tonight, your presence may be imprinted on the home, and felt by someone far in the future,
walking down that same hallway, the very walls recalling a permanent trace of your existence."
And then there is the probability that some people are more sensitive than others to these energies. Maybe some people are unusually sensitive, and
these people are somehow able to "read the script" of what the residual haunt is about.