posted on Oct, 28 2023 @ 09:26 AM
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It's a what all went wrong with the Biden generation of elderly retrospective...
I have seen some of those in my small but rational generation of just a decade or generation x meaning ten... 1970 to 1980 stoop to the insecurity of
hormone replacements hair plugging dental work etc as they come into some inheritance.
Which is of course sad but not mine and of which I've never expected anything other than death by the witnesses my senses have given me all though out
life at the sheer size of insanity within it.
Mind you when I say rational generation x knows reality... I think it silly how many have sworn on made up entities thinking make believe land is
better than keeping their sanity.
Every generation having their own pecking orders an mores from it? Politics in keeping things traditional or orthodox in others opinions is the direct
Why is that generation so small? War and incarceration was taking place then of every man and woman under Nixon's reign of terror. To fight a war
against a festival that happens yearly in almost all Asian countries.
To think Clinton etc in non partisan politics did the same thing to generation x using tobacco as the funds for it against Islam is utterly ridiculous
in how history repeats itself in a "that wont work situation".
Might be easy to forget but that entire generation already had battle fatigue from the previous world war... in the cycle of birth and death.
If there is anything I hate more than my life with these people of other generations it is just that. Other than the make any excuse without honesty
to sleep easy knowing one is not guilty no matter what one looks like in profiling etc.
I dont include anyone under that term family and I dont care what anyone says otherwise or thinks or plans in trying to change that
leanings? I dont want nor need your support dont expect any from me.