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Yeti Massacre - a film

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posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:05 PM

Browsing for something to watch last night I found my self going through recent releases on MAX (HBOMax). Low and behold, a gem simply named "Yeti Massacre". Loving camp flicks and crypto-anything I decided to click on it...

The brief stated "In the winter of 1959, the mutilated bodies of nine hikers were found in the Ural Mountains of Russia. Were they slaughtered in cold blood by a yeti? If so, what drove this legendary beast to kill?"

Yeti Massacre on IMDB

"Ohhh!" I thought. I've read about something that happened in the Urals in 1959 - the DYATLOV PASS incident! A very intriguing story about a group of hikers that all died under very mysterious circumstances with varying degrees of carnage and violence.

As this story has always held a fascination, I decided to check it out.

No spoilers but to surmise....

The hikers were attacked and killed by a Yeti (or like-type creature) simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The movie (doco if you believe in their nonsensical theories) is presented in a similar fashion to Ancient Aliens, complete with researchers and ahem.."experts" on the matter which basically takes wacked out guess-theories and extrapolates from minimal logic and evidence to grandiose storylines about what might have happened to these poor kids.

Interesting though is they show a picture, supposedly recovered from one of the cameras, of a figure standing in the woods, stretched out to a tree. It's blurry and contains no detail other than the outline but if you believe some of the clowns in this show..IT'S A YETI OMG!

Figured I would post about this as it was fun and entertaining to watch and the event itself is always worthy of discussion to me. I DO NOT believe they died in an avalanche as stated in the official Russian incident reports but I certainly don't believe it was a Yeti....or do I??...

Some other good info was presented though about a similar incident in 1993 I believe where another group of young people all died up on a mountain range in the Urals but this time, there was one witness who, "for the first time ever!" if you believe the producers of this show, spoke about her experience.
At no point in her recollection did she mention anything even remotely related to a Yeti or creature for that matter but when comparisons are drawn by the show's "experts", OMGZ IT WAS A YETI TOO!!

Have fun with it.

Love the story and lore regarding the DP incident and I hope one day there's closure.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Raptured

Fascinating thing this. Been a few threads on here about it.

Kudos to you.

This stuff was why I came to ATS in the first place.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: EvenOlderCarpy

Thank you sir. I scanned the forum and didn't see it mentioned. Guess I didn't look deep enough

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Raptured

No worries. The search function always was a bit rubbish.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Raptured

I studied the Dyatlov Pass incident for a couple solid months last year, and came to the conclusion it was just a winter storm, an avalanche, and hypothermia. People panic and do weird stuff when they're freezing in whiteout conditions and can't see, and the wind's so loud they can barely hear each other. That region has also since been known to be avalanche prone.

Hiking in snow in heavy snow gear is also surprisingly dehydrating, and dehydration alone can cause delirium and psychosis.

If climbing the tree seems weird, remember that when wind blows over fresh snow, it whips it up into a cloud all around you, so you might have to climb a tree to see over that windy cloud of snow to find a safer spot to camp or a path out.

If someone took off their clothes, that's 100% common with extreme hypothermia.
Once you're into the severe stages, any warmth at all feels like fire, because your tissue is actually dying,
and warmth only allows you to feel the damage that's been done. That's why clothes come off.

Also, they were probably all experiencing the Ganzfeld Effect to varying degrees, so that's probably a factor.

Combine dangerous biting cold, not being able to see anything, Ganzfeld Effect, hunger, lack of water, and an avalanche,
you get a prosaic explanation that totally fits and needn't involve any Yetis or aliens.

edit on 25/10/2023 by BidenOperator because: spelling

edit on 25/10/2023 by BidenOperator because: clarification

edit on 25/10/2023 by BidenOperator because: spelling

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: EvenOlderCarpy
a reply to: Raptured

No worries. The search function always was a bit rubbish.

An understatement.
I used to do the search on google, using the searched subject combined with 'abovetopsecret' and get better results that the search function on here.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: BidenOperator

Ah... But...radiation and....aliens?


posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: BidenOperator

I 100% agree that it was probably an avalanche. They panicked in a dark tent as they assumed the avalanche would be on top of them any second. In the panic they put on thewrong clothes, someone couldn’t locate the tent opening and used a knife to cut it and flee. Most scattered in different directions. Some falling into a ravine will others falling victim to the weather. The tent was now destroyed and it was whiteout conditions making surviving impossible.
Those that were found with no tongue, and missing other soft tissues, were discovered months later during a melt. That missing tissue was most likely from predators who discovered the melting carcass.

Any radiation detected could be attributed to the Ural technical college they all previously attended. It was Cold War Russia after all.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: BidenOperator

Great stuff. Thank you for adding.

I had read a lot of what you mentioned. Sadly, NONE of it was mentioned in this show.

They really only referenced the following aspects of the bodies/site:

Tongue removed on some
One bit through his knuckle (in an attempt to stifle a scream, they said. LOL)
blunt-force impact trauma
slits cut in tents from the Inside
no scratches or abrasions (to refute the avalanche explanation)

I've read where some of them had shed off clothes, which relates to hypothermia effects and others were not found in close proximity to the rest.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLiveAgain

That was another thing conveniently missing from this show was the fact that they were found much later than the events that killed them.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLiveAgain
I agree with you 100%.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 10:10 PM
Yeti Massacre - Trailer

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: BidenOperator

Your conclusions are just as frightening as a Yeti to me, worse even IMO.

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