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Save your old ATS images - Only if you are still logged on.

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posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:04 PM
Of the sh!tshow that ATS has become, I've found a small saving grace for those who want to save their old images.

Warning: The only caveat... you must still be signed in to the old account


We know that if you are still logged in to your old account you can still browse the forum and see your profile, statistics, etc.

What we can't do is access our image galleries via the upload feature (authorization error).

Also, we can't start a new thread, BUT, we can still prepare a reply, and it's this that we can take advantage of.

So, here's how we proceed:

1) Find any post in any thread you like or dislike;

2) Click the reply bubble;

3) Click the last icon in the row of editing tools above the editor.

4) A popup window appears with all your lovely, long-lost images. Note: they are only tiny thumbnails, so not worth left-clicking to save.

5) Select what you desire and you will see the BBCode tags and image ID appear in the editor;

6) Press preview under the editor and hey presto, there are your full size image.

At this point right click (tap and hold on mobile) to save the image.

If you are on a mobile device, you will have to switch your browser to Desktop mode to see the preview button.

Obviously, you can add as many images to the fake reply, preview and save them all out in a matter of minutes.

Again, I'm sorry this doesn't work if you are locked out of the old account. I can't figure out a hack for that.

However, in that case, a more lethargic method is to find your old posts (if you can remember where you posted them) and save the images directly from the posts, so not all is lost.

God save the old ATS.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:28 PM
Confirmed this works. Good call.

I read somewhere on Twitter someone said that Abovetopsecret lost a file that has all of the passwords stored. And that it would just be a matter of restoring this file. I don't know if that is true or not. But it really doesn't sound like it should be a difficult thing to fix what has happened.

I also saw someone that charges to easily fix hacks like this. If the owner doesn't have the know-how, I'm sure they can find a hacker that could easily fix what has happened. It shouldn't be that hard or take that much time most likely.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Encia222


posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: randomuser144

Yes, the comportment of the old profile and the fact that you can't log back in, points to a user/pwd file that is lost or corrupted.

The technical issue becomes a secondary problem to that of the owner/admin/techie all AWOL. Either they don't know, they don't care or it was a purposeful act due to an imminent shutdown. Sort of, give 'em a cigarette before execution.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 07:42 PM
Shoot.. NOW I see this..

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Encia222

Wish I wouldn't of logged out to create the new one. I really hope that everything gets restored though. I did manage to save my avatar at least.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: Encia222

There was a post on another thread from MrsDarko that it is a coding error or something and that they are working on it. All is not lost I hope.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 02:41 PM
Too bad I only saw this thread now, because there's a better way of saving all you images, although it has some more steps to it.

1 - Go to That's the part of the upload page that has all the images;
2 - Right-click on an empty space (to the right of the "upload" button, for example, and click on the "Page source" (or equivalent);
3 - When a new tab opens showing the page's HTML, select all the text and copy it;
4 - Paste it in you favourite text editor (not a word processor, as those will most likely try to save it in some more advanced format);
5 - Do a text replace, replacing /thumb/ with /. Save the file as a simple text file with the HTML extension;
6 - Open that HTML file in your favourite browser. It will take some time, as it will load all the full size images;
7 - Right click on an empty space and choose "Save page" or "Save as..." or whatever that browser uses to save web pages;
8 - When the dialog box asking for a name shows, chose the file type as "complete web page" or equivalent. The HTML page will be saved again but the browser will also create a folder with all the full size images in it.

I tested this in Opera, Edge, Chrome and Firefox, and it worked in all, although Firefox said it couldn't save the page because it couldn't find one Javascript file.

I hope it helps.

PS: Now I know that I have 1413 images on ATS.

edit on 7/9/2024 by ArMaP because: Link "cleaned"

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: ArMaP

That works much better and quicker than my workaround, thanks ArMaP!

I pulled over 800 images from mine (about 650Mb).

I knew the solution was in hacking the url, but I couldn't get it to work.

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