posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 06:46 PM
Since sometime during 2004 I've had zombie dreams that are sporatic. They never ocur two nights in a row, and sometimes one month after another.
The story line of the dreams vary along with how the zombies look. Sometimes I am fighting zombies ,other times I am running away from them. The
way the zombies look have varied from red, blue, green, and even how you would see a walking dead body in real life.
The most recent dream I had envolved the people being souless, although their bodies were alive my mind registered these souless people as zombies.
Not only were there people zombies but animal and cartoons as well (odd huh?). This time I was both fighting and running away. There was actually a
human (with a soul) leader of said zombies and was a guy who I felt general disgust toward, because in the dream he tried to get in my pants.
Does anyone have any idea why I dream of zombies?
[edit on 12-4-2005 by ShadowedRedemption]