posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 06:09 PM
Originally posted by kingjules
i heard once that they have invented a thing that "destroy" the pheon signal in a specific area so nobody can't call or receive a call. it might be
an urban legend, but THAT would be cool
Not an urban legend. It's called a Faraday cage. You put conducting mesh in the walls to block radio signals from getting through. Works well in
movie theaters because there's no window and few doors. Wouldn't work as well in restaurants because people want to see outside while eating. A thin
film applied over the glass window exists to shield against radio signals, but it's very expensive, so I doubt restaurant owners will bother to do
that any time soon.
Another more proactive method is jamming the 800-900 MHz and 1900Mhz bands of frequencies to prevent cellphone from calling or receiving calls. That
method is highly illegal, you'll get fined or arrested if you get caught doing that. Plus those devices are not approved by the FCC, for obvious
reasons, so the device is unpredictable and dangerous, it may interfere with someone's pacemaker and kill him.
Then there's the monkey solution, punch that annoying brat in the face, that will teach him. Eventually the mofo will have to learn the hard way that
a movie theater is not the right place to yap on his cellphone.
[edit on 9-10-2005 by ufia]