I think nipples ought to be de-sexualized for sure.
My view on pelvic nudity gets kinda nuanced.
Ideally, bodies themselves shouldn't be sexual, but sex should be more about the connection.
I also think people should be more open and reverent towards sex. It definitely shouldn't be in the same category as violence. People kinda need
meaningless sex sometimes though or they can get loony, so that's where it gets complicated.
I'd be alright with a kid seeing a female nipple, or someone's bare butt, if society in general didn't view those as sexual.
Anal is a thing, though, so...
On genitals though, my take is that seeing someone's genitals ought to be special for PRACTICAL reasons, as that psychological specialness incites
arousal, and if you usually only see someone's genitals when they want to have sex with you, then it works for all involved.
If you see genitals all the time, then it stops being exciting, but then what happens to people hormonally?
So yeah, I think breasts/ nipples should be okay to show, but genitals themselves actually SHOULD be objectified. Since people do anal stuff,
then we should just cover the lower body and call it good.
TBH, grown men sucking on nipples like a baby has always kinda wigged me out anyway, but that's just my take.
EDIT: Look at a statue of Lilith, with her long flowing skirt and bare breasts and armlets, and tell me it wouldn't be cool if women dressed like
Men could too. Then when the aliens show up, we look like a civilization of ancient priests! I want that. LOL.
edit on 17-10-2023 by
TheValeyard because: clarification