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My New YouTube Channel

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posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:21 PM
Hey, I just started a channel for gaming and I'm just doing League of Legends ranked solo/duo queue uploads right now, but plan on adding PlayStation gameplay and Nintendo Switch and such. Check it out please and give me a follow if you'd be so kind. I would love advice, since I've never done streaming before. I don't really know what I'm doing so please help me! I also don't know what to title it. Right now it's just League themed.

As for my setup, I have professional quality microphones and such but haven't used them yet. I'm planning on inserting a video of me playing on the top of the streams, but also don't know how to edit the videos at all. I totally went in blind. I'm working on a Macbook Pro and I used QuickTime to capture the video, even though I can download the replay from League of Legends match history. What sorts of programs do you guys use that are free? I just had a baby, so I'm not working for now so I have a bit of free time to play around. If you have a channel I'd absolutely reciprocate if you subscribe and like my videos. In addition, how do I do a livestream on YouTube?

I also don't know what kind of commentary to do. What would people want to hear? I don't normally talk during games besides to my spouse since we do Duo queues together.

Oh and PM me if you'd like to play with me on League, WoW, PlayStation, or be my friend on Nintendo Switch.

Tips, critique, ideas, and support would be awesome. Below is a link to my page followed by some videos I uploaded.

Link to my channel: Please like & subscribe

Oh, and here's my channel description:

Back in 2014, I got to Gold Rank via Heimerdinger, my one-trick pony (mid/top). He's such a great champion that during the 2018 and 2019 ranked seasons I was also Gold ELO.

My goal is to destroy the enemy Nexus, so my Heimerdinger mechanics often sacrifice KDA for towers and split-pushing. Prioritizing CS and obliterating turrets & objectives instead of getting kills is the way (Example: Trick2G as Udyr & "THE GATES").

I utilize my turrets to destroy towers rapidly and always deploy all three in varied tri-formations. Keeping all three turrets out and in play is the bread and butter of how I use Heimer and it works beautifully with his stuns. Indeed, I've won many seemingly unwinnable games solely via back-door split-pushing and taking down the enemy team's base and Nexus.

Here, I play with my husband (who has been Platinum) in Duo Ranked queues and we focus on playing for fun, but also love winning. These uploads are not as try-hard as back in 2014, but it's for fun!

Thanks in advance, guys!
edit on Oct❥2023 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 07:53 AM
Still one of my favorite games. One of the few out there that isn't pay to win anymore.

Hiem is a beast and very underrated when used right.

I don't play SR anymore too much toxicity and competition (even in blind) and I play for fun, plus I don't get to play as much I used to too and the games can get pretty long. I stick to ARAM mostly.

I love learning new champs on the fly in the ARAM environment and its usually not as toxic.
I hope they bring URF back soon, Im having withdrawls and they keep pushing the new game modes (which i dont like)


posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: datguy

URF is phenomenal!! And yeah, the toxic people are a pain, but I think it's a lot of depressed people. Even still, it's annoying. The silly surrender culture is what gets me the most, though (mainly in ranked--doesn't make sense to me). Hey, add me on League: I'd love to play some ARAMs and stuff.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 06:28 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: rukia

This is the OP, (Rukia), but I got locked out on my main account. Had to make this alt.

Check out my Lies of P streams:

I'll be posting Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, Ratchet & Clank, and God of War Ragnarok as well.

Help would be appreciated, please, Admins/Mods. I'd like to get back into my main account. I sent a few messages and I hope you are able to see them.

Thank you!
edit on ❥11/23 by Abhorsen because: (no reason given)

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