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Another interesting dream

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posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 01:00 PM
When I hear that some people never have dreams it amazes me. How do they just have blackness all night? Must be very restful!!

I had a very interesting dream. It wasn’t last night but the night before.

Here’s the scene.

I am sitting in a circle with other men, I was a MAN in this dream!!
It appeared to be civil war era (a time period I’m obsessed with) but I wasn’t sure if it was indeed the civil war, old timey for sure.
We were sitting in the forest around a small camp fire. Maybe 5 or 6 of us. There was lovely singing.
Then the guy next to me patted me on the shoulder, and with that pat I jolted awake in real life.

The weird thing, in the dream, I looked down at my legs and boots and thought to myself, “what on earth, I’m a man!” So I had some awareness of myself.
I remember the boots very distinctly. Round toed leather boots with laces, worn but not worn out.

Looked similar to second to last boots. Toe part was more bulbous/rounded than any of these. Def not pointy or thin. Weird thing to remember, but I totally remember the toe part being round.

The scene was very comforting, the campfire, the company, the singing… A very warm happy feeling.. very odd.
When I awoke the singing/song was ringing in my ears, but was not something I am familiar with.

edit on 10-10-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 08:41 PM
That's interesting. Ive never switched genders in my dreams. I've had all kinds of dreams over the years. Some have been precognitive of the future. I can't imagine people that don't dream either. My roommate said all he gets is static like on a tv.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 09:08 PM
might just be that your soul felt safe and serene enough to pop you into a Past Life moment as a reward or better still a potential 'Epiphany'

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
When I hear that some people never have dreams it amazes me. How do they just have blackness all night? Must be very restful!!

They may have a condition known as aphantasia. They lack the ability to generate visual imagery.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 10:22 PM
You had a past life memory my friend. Welcome to the club!
You can keep going back in your dreams to remember more from that life,
if you set the firm intention to as you go to sleep.
Do enough of that and you can remember faces and names, and dates and places.

It COULD just be a dream, but I doubt it.
Your soul is trying to remind you of a lesson you learned in that life that has become relevant in this one.
I've died at war too. Hello soldier!

a reply to: JAGStorm

edit on 10-10-2023 by TheValeyard because: clarification

edit on 10-10-2023 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: TheValeyard

My father was convinced I was the reincarnation of his grandpa. He said it many times during my life.
He was very very close with his pop pop.. Said we had the exact same taste in almost everything.
Sometime he would look at me, smile and tell me how much his pop pop would have loved me…

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