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The New Nazi American World Order?

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posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Why might that happen?

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:17 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:23 PM
"America didn't win the war. Hitler lost it."
~"The Dial of Destiny... Indiana Jones."(2023)

When it was clear that Germany was lost, the collective wealth of the Reich was put out into the world markets in the form of investments and corporate entities. I believe it was called "Operation Eagle Flight".

The fourth Reich is well underway. Matter of fact, it was moving forward well before the war officially ended. Neocons, right and left, are the culprits, imo.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:52 PM
I’ll take “Words used wrongly in the wrong description to put the wrong spin on make believe future program” for $1000 Alex.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Chalgreen

The New Nazi American World Order?

By "Nazi" .....which political party are you referring to, if any. Will there be brown shirts..

edit on 27-9-2023 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Chalgreen

The New Nazi American World Order?

By "Nazi" .....which political party are you referring to, if any. Will there be brown shirts..

I think Antifa holds the rights to that in the US.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Chalgreen

This country, and most of the rest of the world it would seem, is controlled by great evil.

We call them politicians, and believe it or not are a necessary evil compared to the alternative.

Anyhoo democracy hardly equates to "New Nazi American World Order".

We can see that they are making alot of changes and other actions lately.

Reactions mainly as opposed to actions, by my guess.

As to change, well that's in the post, and without such civilsations tend to stagnate and die.

So is this the start of the New Nazi American World Order in play?

I think you may have been watching to much "The Man In The High Castle".

It could even be argued that the Nazi's weren't quite this evil.

I think the likes of 6 million dead Jews and other poor bastards might disagree with that assessment.

Anyone who is not helping to deter this is basically aiding them and allowing it to happen.

So anybody that doesn't agree with the kind of Qanonacrap you choose to believe in is against you i suppose?

What happened to the Jews in WWII was tragic. But we are talking now about people whose goal it is to cull 7 billion people then rule the world. How is that NOT these people winning the evil Olympics!!

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:03 PM
no, I don't think Democrats are Nazis, or the moral equivalent of Nazis.

I do see some troubling similarities.

seems like all totalitarian governments follow a pattern. defy the established order, become the established order, squelch dissent, promote whatever ideology the new powers-that-be believe in.

I fear the Democrats will develop a permanent one-party rule in the USA and the AOCs of the world will run things.
enjoy driving your electric car in the blizzard.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: Chalgreen
This country, and most of the rest of the world it would seem, is controlled by great evil. We can see that they are making alot of changes and other actions lately. So is this the start of the New Nazi American World Order in play?
It could even be argued that the Nazi's weren't quite this evil. Anyone who is not helping to deter this is basically aiding them and allowing it to happen.

You will of course have noticed that there are quite a few of "their" supporters right here in this thread who are trying to refute and soften, while at the same time aiding them so it happens more. They also are using ridicule to act like it isn't true. The same worn out tools the MSM uses. They are increasing things now that cause more death and despair too, while at the same time acting superior just like the devil. Judgment day is definitely getting very close.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Not the Babylon Bee. . . . California wants electric emergency generators. . . . when power goes out.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Why might that happen?

I realize I should have said more in my first reply.

When I said “mRNA”, it came to me quickly as I thought, “ok, I’ll bite… what could go to the scale of WW2” as part of your “Fourth Reich” commentary.

Per Wiki, 70-85 million people died. That equates to about 3% of the world population at the time. Or, 3 out of every 100 people died.

That’s important to keep in mind. 3 out of 100 - at global scale.

So, a Fourth-Reich-Driven-WW2-Level Event would need to exceed 85 million deaths on the long end.

But, we now have about 8.1 billion people on the planet.

So, about 1% of the current population.

1 in 100 die from said event - globally.

That’s entirely possible to go unnoticed.


Because even in today’s world, you only know so many people. As an example, there’s hundreds of names of people I can recall but of those I might be close to a handful of them beyond my family. That means that whatever is happening in their world, or if they passed away, I wouldn’t think much of it beyond the obvious pain for their family.

This becomes even more true if people are dying of illnesses. What I mean by that is, illnesses that make sense relative to the person and are not exotic - heart/pulmonary/diabetes/etc.

Remember, unlike WW2, these casualties are spread across the globe - everyone got to play this time. So, the idea of 1/100 dying from illness isn’t even a blip on the radar. Particularly when they are varying illnesses. Said another way, we know the war killed people so you can blame the war, but, a bunch of people dying from known diseases that are not rare or exotic doesn’t blip the radar.

By radar I mean it doesn’t seem odd to the average person.

Now, if we used 3% of current global population and jacked the number up to 255 million deaths, back to 3 in 100, and then spread those deaths over at least 75% of the planet and particularly major population centers (cities) and only 3 in 100 die from said event but do so again from random illnesses that are unfortunate but unremarkable.

Hell, I bet you would have to get to at least 5% before alarm bells went off globally. Why? You can blame aging populations, “western diet”, alcohol, smoking - whatever. A weird COVID hangover.

So, could mRNA be more lethal than WW2?

Absolutely, in my opinion.

Is it?

Who knows - that’s why I say time will tell. Then again, even if you’re looking for it, we’re talking really big scale and lots of other factors that could be blamed. Regardless, it’s a fun thought exercise.

Regarding the “Fourth Reich” I’d say there’s some truth to that based on our learning from the Germans. We don’t know just how much we learned from them aside from dockets and other military applications. But, I think “Fourth Reich” is probably way, way overstating how much our learning morphed the US post-WW2.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Chalgreen

To find the mark of fascism (or a nazi-like movement) try to find those who do scapegoat politics the most.

The ones I'd look at are those voicing loudest that "certain groups of people are destroying their traditional society" and organizing in opposition to it. The most incensed against certain groups and doing something about it. They will portray themselves as an oppressed minority at the hands of an insidious, powerful, and selfish enemy that has unfair control over them.

The Mein Kampf weapon needs both tradition playing a victim card and a scourge trying to destroy it. The scourge also needs to be portrayed as having a disproportionate amount of control of the media and economy.

There's always a normal vs. different component. The victim group (Nazis) will usually represent a normative ethos and the scapegoat group will usually represent an affront to the normative ethos.

* Worth noting is there is also "The Communist Way" to rise to power. Which is done via grassroots organization and protest. Demanding their (also oppressed) voices get heard until they do and become the mandated egalitarian norm, and then become increasingly totalitarian and corrupt. That's a different thread though.

What If the ones using the fascist method were to scapegoat those using the communist method?

I wonder what that would be like?
edit on 27-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: Chalgreen

Please what? German here, please educate yourself before you spout such ignorant nonsense.

You should have seen some footage from that time and the horrible HORRIBLE things that were done. I walked into these gas chambers and I seen the scratches of human fingernails on the inside doors and this is just me getting warmed up with gut wrenching facts about that time.

You're disrespecting all the dead people with what you spout. You have no idea please learn some history to get a frame of reference and then hopefully you will feel some sort of shame to even come up with this thread.

I can't even...!!!!!

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Chalgreen

This should interest you OP

The people who really matter, make the Nazi's look like Ist grade
school yard bullies.

"I suggest therefore that this be sold not through a democratic process - that would take too long and devour far too much of the funds - to educate the cannon fodder, unfortunately, that populates the earth. We have to take almost an elitist program, [so] that we can see beyond our swollen bellies, and look to the future in time frames and in results which are not easily understood, or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some kind of simplistic definitio

David Lang

We are nothing more than cannon fodder. And if you don't have a clue after
watching. Then you just don't want to know and you never will. Quite revealing.

UNCED 92 earth summit Brazil

CO= Karl 12

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: paraphi
The word "Nazi" is over-used. The US ain't Nazi and does not exhibit any aspect of Nazism. You should do some research on the subject.

Furthermore, I don't think "most of the rest of the world" thinks the US is controlled by great evil. Most of the rest of the world would be happy to relocate from their current place of abode in Craplandia, to the US. This point is supported by the immigration statistics. Not many Americans trying to emigrate from their homeland to China, Nigeria or Brazil.

This constant doom porn is simply a campaign strategy.

The two major parties realized a while ago that they win elections based on how well they turn out their base. What better way to do that than convincing your base that they are in constant danger of evil people taking over their government.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 10:03 PM
As a minor communist Chinese satellite country, 'America' will never be a force today like the Nazis were during WWII. We have deteriorated into a minor player compared to Nazi Germany at the height of their power.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Chalgreen
Are you talking about the actual American Nazi Party?

Here is their unofficial propaganda song:

Warning: Extreme Progaganda. May turn normal people into Nazis

Plain and simple: White Christian Nationalism

Pro-Confederate Generals (race heros)
Pro-Nazi soldiers (race heroes)
anti-interracial marriage
anti- birth control for white people

Panelist Bart Bonikowski, associate professor of sociology and politics at New York University, spoke of how Christian nationalism in the United States is exclusionary and nostalgic, seeing the nation as going downhill and needing to be recaptured by people who see themselves at its rightful owners — possibly through authoritarian means. And while the phenomenon can take different forms in other countries, Bonikowski said the mechanism behind the movements can be quite similar. He said white Christian nationalists take advantage of preexisting societal cleavages to mobilize supporters, channeling their fears into resentments.

Opportunistic politicians come along and consolidate inchoate fears into an overall crisis, Bonikowski said. They argue that everything people see as going wrong with the country is part of the same problem, which can be blamed on non-Christians.

edit on 28-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: dandandat2

What better way to do that than convincing your base that they are in constant danger of evil people taking over their government.

Ya well that's kind of like evil.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: Chalgreen
This country, and most of the rest of the world it would seem, is controlled by great evil. We can see that they are making alot of changes and other actions lately. So is this the start of the New Nazi American World Order in play?
It could even be argued that the Nazi's weren't quite this evil. Anyone who is not helping to deter this is basically aiding them and allowing it to happen.
I agree , Trump has solidified a whole segment of Americans into fascist right wing extremists

edit on 28-9-2023 by WolfPants because: Correction

edit on 28-9-2023 by WolfPants because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: UpThenDown

originally posted by: Chalgreen

It could even be argued that the Nazi's weren't quite this evil.

everyone is entitled to their own opinion could you expand on this part though, what compares to gas chambers in your opinion?
Only a Nazi would think what German Nazis did is not evil compared to America’s liberals.

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