posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 07:09 AM
If you are claiming that evil doesn't exist, or that there is no 'dark side' in which people have sold their souls into the service of Satanic powers
- then you are either an idiot, or deluded. What about people who rape & murder infants? Is that not evil of an anti-human, alien, Satanic type? Of
course it is. As is the urge to plant bombs in crowded market places, or set fire to theatres & nightclubs, or shoot a bunch of schoolchildren
cowering in their classrooms.
Get real, get some common sense & wisdom. To use the analogy of Star Wars it is clear that your thinking is far removed from actual tangible reality
& all the mess & chaos which occurs when people give in to the darker urges they experience, which are often directly inspired by demonic spirits.
Anyone who understands even the basics understands that there are demonic forces operant in this world. Thankfully there are counter-forces, from the
angelic realm, and God/ his operatives do sovereignly intervene sometimes to avert some major disaster. But in general God doesn't violate the
principle of free will for all people at all times. The only time a person's self-will is overridden is when they are possessed fully by a demonic
entity against their will. That is rare, but usually occurs because of some great evil which that person has perpetrated over time. There are
exceptions, and indeed there is a degree of demoni persecution of the righteous, which is mysterious - but whatever its cause, we must face it & fight
against it. There are also cases of what is known as 'perfect possession' in which the human agrees to share his body with a powerful demonic spirit,
these people are known as warlocks, and witches. You may scoff, but they & their powers are real, and very dangerous.
My wife carries an anointing for the discerning of spirits - one of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit available by God's grace to practicing
Christians. Only yesterday she was in the GP surgery waiting room, and a woman who seemed perfectly ordinary, an NHS worker in her uniform, began to
manifest deep discomfort arising from demonic oppression in her soul. Her face began to twitch violently, she stared with malicious intent at my
wife, then began to move around awkwardly & uncomfortably. This often occurs because the presence of the Holy Spirit in power can cause terrible
discomfort for the oppressing spirit, making it lose its facade of control over the human it is attached to. This has happened many times to my wife
in public situations - she is learning more about this gift, we imagine she is called to participate in deliverance prayer ministry, but due to health
until recently she wouldn't have been able to fulfil that call. In the future she is likely to become part of the prayer team at our church - there
are always people who need to be set free from controlling demonic entities, which can be done through deliverance prayer as a sort of informal
exorcism (which often has more power to heal & cast out spirits than the traditional Catholic methods, which have lost much of their power & often