posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 12:51 PM
Hey everyone,
My friend and I recently discussed dead internet theory and he told me this new theory, not sure how credible it is but it was very interesting.
Its called undead internet theory, likely because it has similarities with dead internet theory, and he explained it as follows:
Step 1:
The internet is being automated through AI, videos, blogposts, as AI improves the AI will learn how to use algoirhtms better and faster than humans.
To compete, content creators will have to use similar techniques.
But its not just blogs, videos and tiktoks. The stockmarket and banks use AI aswel. AI which will learn to invest in other AI (because AI will soon
create online content better than humans, including software)
This creates a feedback loop.
Step 2:
Humans will get programmed and automated by AI. The AI will learn how to use use the algorithms of the human brain and see which content addicts the
most. Basically turning people into that use the internet into zombies (not far from the current situation).
Step 3:
Humans will be completely dependend on the internet. They consume all their entertainment online, they will consume their “news” online, they will
buy everything online. The internet AI will steer all this behaviour through subtle cues and advertisements. The internet and humans “merge” into
some kind of brave new world soma situation. In other words: internet enslavement.
I might not have explained it exactly how the theory said but this is what i remember. I think it sounds quite logical if you look at how big tech
platforms are pushing the internet into this direction. It might not happen to all of the internet, but it would happen to most big platforms which
90% of the people use. They will do anything to stop people from thinking for themselves i guess
Would like to hear more info, perspective, thoughts if anyone has some