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Mining UFOs.

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posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: karl 12

As well as dams and mines UFOs are also frequently witnessed over schools (something which genuinely freaked me out when I saw the sheer number of cases).

ATS user SkyAngel posted an interesting UFO-school video on another thread which reminded me of a photo I took some time ago. Perhaps there is something to learn here.

In the photo below is a circular distortion that reminds me of a sunflower. It is difficult to see, and women tend to see it easier than men. Perhaps because the ladies are more intuitive then the gentlemen.

Lots of odd things happen around and in my house and this corner of the garden with the almond tree is my favourite. I never gave it too much thought until I saw the UFO-school video of a UFO reported by multiple witnessses to disappear into a tree.

Portals in trees?

The video commentator mentions this at the 5:10 mark.


Personally I see nothing wrong with UFOs visiting schools. Afterall, most kids have 'invisible friends' untill they reach school age.

(something which genuinely freaked me out when I saw the sheer number of cases).

What did we do wrong? ~ someone wants to know.

edit on 9/24/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added ETA

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Hey mate very interesting insight there and would also be interested in your take on certain aspects involved in this compilation.. as there's quite obviously something extremely freaky going on.

As for the mining vid was intrigued to see one account mentioning some kind of tubular appendage extending from the unknown object(s) as it is not the first time that has been reported.

Did a thread years ago about an Australian UFO case and compiled some examples in the second post.

Actually a pretty fascinating Ozzie case involving specific 'patterns' like water theft, ground trace evidence and bizarre animal reaction - the guy's watch even stopped lol.

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I did see the so-called "little green alien humanoid", at 1:43:39 in the OP's video --- Interesting.

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Erno86

He's quite the compiler mate and knows his way around all the MUFON, CUFOS, NICAP, APRO, NUFORC, Bluebook etc files like nobody I've ever come across before.

Have you seen this one about drive-ins? Well worth a look.

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

There is a whole sub set of so called 'Predator', like from the Arni movie, where they can cloak but no perfectly.

Hunters see the creature because they are usably up in a deer stand(for deer season) and will see these almost invisable things hopping across the trees like they were light as air

remember our limited optical sensors(or eyes) can only see a extreamlly narrow band of the EM spectrum, add to that wew have meta materials in hand that or not tottaly invisable to IR light bat damn near close to it when energized via ThZ beam or some other unknown source.

the Missing 411 cases come to mind.

when you are in the forest even going for a walk with your dog and you are going into the woods arm yourself legaly.

a wife of a famous UFO guy who did all the picture and video analysis on tv, his wife had an encounter when she was out pre season watching for deer in her stand, it just so happened her grandsons high school was pretty close and they all saw a light hanging in the air where this creature would have been, maybe back up.

The deep woods have many secrets still

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

I know a little about something similar. But these are perhaps more folk-lore 'critters', rather than the classic UFO that get the attention of the military.

Hunters see the creature because they are usably up in a deer stand(for deer season) and will see these almost invisable things hopping across the trees like they were light as air

Here in Australia we have a similar sounding critter called Mamaries. In the video below Laurie Collard talks about the 'little hairy men' at a town near me. The video below is 2 minutes long.

These ordinarily invisible fellas are not confined to Boogan rock, they are where I live too.

remember our limited optical sensors(or eyes) can only see a extreamlly narrow band of the EM spectrum, add to that wew have meta materials in hand that or not tottaly invisable to IR light bat damn near close to it when energized via ThZ beam or some other unknown source.

There is also the fact that the eye has receptors called rods and cones. The cones are good for coloured light which we see in day light, and the rods are for monochromatic night light.

One night I awoke to something rummaging noisily through a junkbox in my bedroom. I just layed there listening trying to figure out what it was. Too big for a mouse. So I opened my eyes without moving and saw a small figure silhouetted in the darkness.

Interestingly, the bottom half of my body was tingling. As the figure moved from left to right near the bottom of my bed, it also got closer to me. The tingling moved up my body in direct relation to the approach of the figure. So a two meter / yard field effect.

Anyway, I thought I would grab my cell-phone and get a picture, and the figure disappeared. A search of the house showed nothing there. But outside the house one could feel the presences in the trees and they did not want to come down.

Interestingly. some nights I sit on my front verandah, generally having a cigarette. There is a large pine tree very close to the front of the house. If I look past the bright porch light in a certain way, sometimes I get to see blue eyes appear. Lots of eyes watching from the branches of the trees. The eyes reflect light like animal eyes at night in headlights, so the retinas are reflecting the porchlight.

I am sure they have eyes like cats with two eyelids. The inner eyelid being transparent. I am also sure it is when they open the transparent eyelids that the eyes can reflect light.

We are at the point in our relationship where one set of eyes will open and watch me. Then other pairs of eyes start to open one by one until there is a dozen or so pairs staring back at me. We just watch each other.

The 411s I stay away from investigating. I was warned not to go "looking" there.

So it would not surprise me to learn your American treetop creatures are akin to the Australian mamaries. I also think mine are akin to the brownies of European folk-lore.

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I listened to the video, and most of those encounters were of more conventional UFOs. Some had windows and humanoid figures. One guy had binoculars and got a good look at the figures, describing glass or plastic looking windows. So we know he got a REALLY GOOD LOOK at the UFO. One cannot dismiss as imagination these types of testimonies. So obviously technology to my mind.

Hey mate very interesting insight there and would also be interested in your take on certain aspects involved in this compilation.. as there's quite obviously something extremely freaky going on.

As for the mining vid was intrigued to see one account mentioning some kind of tubular appendage extending from the unknown object(s) as it is not the first time that has been reported.

Did a thread years ago about an Australian UFO case and compiled some examples in the second post.

Actually a pretty fascinating Ozzie case involving specific 'patterns' like water theft, ground trace evidence and bizarre animal reaction - the guy's watch even stopped lol.

My experience of that sort of technology is limited to just a few encounters, so I have not much basis to speculate too far.

One was while driving past the European Space Agency statelite tracking station at New Norcia Western Australia on my weekly inspection round for work. To my right, a vertical beam appeared and a silver "bullet" moved along it as if moving in a tube. It "landed" in farm land within a kilometer. No noise nor impact dust. One would have to trespass to get to the location so I didn't bother going to look. My wife suggested they were saying; "We are here".

Now that "beam" was vertical, so the origin was directly above the big satelite dish.

I have a suspicion the owners of at least some of the UFOs the military are interested in are in stellar stationary orbit. That is to say; the opposite to geo-stationary orbit. Maybe simply disguised as a star. From what I have seen of telescope observations, detection of objects is dependant on movement found in time-lapse photography.

So a tentaive speculation of why UFOs would take water from dams and mine rare earth minerals is to supply "space stations" not all that far above the earth.

This is the first time I have really watched and listened to UFO complilations. So I am not knowledgeable in the conventional investigative sense. I really did not think the subject was that extensive.

However some things stick out to me.

One is we should not generalise and try for the unified "alien UFO" theory, it is clearly not that simple.

edit on 9/25/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

what im talking about isnt some little trickster(just a bigger one) and i thin it would be neat to see a little guy.

The tingling you are feeling is paralysis kicking in [have you ever had a big operation? they give you stuff to to paralyze you]

I would love to see what would happen when you surprises one of these things coming around the corner just walking around, that's a very odd thing about all these 'aliens' here that not ONE has slipped up or gotten hurt where they were rendered unconscious and and were found out by medical staff when MRI'ed/CAT scan and they do at least one of those in a serious accident. Let alone an XRAY or operation.

cat and other night stalkers like hunting at for 'pray'

they have a special layer in the back of their eye that amplifies the light signals and is called the tapetum lucidum

i can feel the energy change sometimes and recently i have woken up with bruises and and cuts etc., hell in AUG i woke up in the yard 4 houses down from mine wearing someone else's shorts.

i have been using trail cams to great so far. they blend in, are up high and is the most passive way i can think of getting some of the things i see on film.

anyway i'm going to bed as it just passed 420 a.m.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

We're getting off topic here, so I'll keep it brief.

Just my own opinion based on my studies of the subject in the field, I think it is important to work out what qualifies as "alien" and what is not. I see the Beings of folk-lore mixed up in UFO lore. I understand the overlap tentatively but have more study to do.

The mining Orbs, and mining UFOs are of different origin (genesis) it is beginning to seem to me. I think if we, as observers and studiers of the "Phenomenon" are to make sense of the subject then elimination of 'what is not' will help us focus.

The mamaries here are terrestrial, but it is going to take time and patience to get to know them properly, and I have not met the American ones.

I wish you luck with your hopes of photographing them. I have to admit I haven't had any luck myself.

edit on 9/26/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: deleted original content to stay closer to thread topic

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