posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to:
I love this ! Very creative and playful, with a dreamlike quality to it. Plus we get to think about the secret of its meaning, which I tend to enjoy
Now for my two cents (and I may have simply misunderstood the setting) the elephant is on the blissful side of the door right ? The only way to the
other side of the door is a keyhole, obviously too small for him to pass through. But you say that on his side there is wonder, mess and excitement
and only on the other we find order and supression. Can't he use the magical nature of his realm to bend reality, shrink in size ''Alice in wonderland
style'' and pass through the keyhole ?
I understand when he get to the other side he is stuck that way since he is now in a land of suppression and all, but can he actually do that ? If
not, can he somehow communicate with the people on the other side through the keyhole ? Maybe whathever loving wisdom he can share could be enough to
inspire them to start improving their world ? If he can talk at all, that is
(It is my hope I did not completely miss the point of your story and merely enthousiasically laid bare my clulessness.)