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The US Government is Headed Towards Another Shut Down

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posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: IndieA

91 Republicans voted against it. Only 1 Democrat did. I haven't done a deep dive into how people voted but my guess is 20-some of those are the Freedom Caucus.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 04:39 PM
Why is the debt ceiling a bi-partisan politic?

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 04:58 PM
Nobody is "trying to tank the economy". Nobody wants a shutdown in and of itself, but if that is what it takes to stop the spending free-for-all, then I think a lot of people are ok with it since literally nothing else seems to work.

That said, I don't think there is any fixing the system from within the system at this point.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: wdkirk
Why is the debt ceiling a bi-partisan politic?

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking, but in general it was put there to appease fiscally conservative citizens of any party. I don't think they ever had any intention of abiding by it, and as the years have gone by there is less and less of even a pretense of respecting it.

It has tuned into a situation where whoever wants things just says they won't vote for anything until their money is either added in or taken out. It becomes a game of chicken where whoever is holding out is the target of blame for "shutting it down" as if we shouldn't be spending wisely in the first place.

It's a mess, and just a leverage game by both parties depending on what they either want or don't want. At some point, there is just no more money to squeeze though.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: IndieA

What does it mean, I tell you, my husband will be home until further notice, he been on salary will not lose a penny. Been a contractor working for the government he will not be able to go to the military base to work.

As a retire Marine he will not lose his retirement either, but anybody working as a federal employee will be at disadvantage.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:42 AM
No shut-down, they've kicked the can down the road again.
However - place your metaphorical bets here as to if McCarthy will still be Speaker at the end of the month, or even the end of next week. There are reports that Gaetz and his fellow whackdoodles will move a motion to vacate the Speakership next week.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

He will not be removed.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: IndieA
However, the simple fact is: it's not gonna change any more than the 30,000 school shootings per minute

Hyperbole much?

or the cops beating black people.

Still falling for that nonsense?

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 04:52 PM
The empty beer Can gets kicked down the road for 45 days and then we are back to “OMG the government will be shut down!”

But then another CR is passed

. What a joke.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 05:40 PM
I wonder how many CT forums will go dark at midnight, just like last time

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 05:16 PM
The government will stay open for a little bit longer. The new stop-gap measure to keep the government funded, largely devised by new Speaker Johnson, has passed the House. The continuing resolution, which was described as a clean bill, only had 2 Democrats vote against it while 202 voted in favor. In contrast, only 127 Republicans voted in favor, while 93 voted against.

It should be noted that the last funding bill had more support among Republicans but was still the impetus for ousting McCarthy. Could Johnson soon be facing a coalition against him from his own Party?

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
The same 'ol thing will happen.

They will debate and collude in back door deals right up till the deadline, then they pass a budget that screws the taxpayer and steers money toward their pet projects.

Happens every time, but MSM milks it for headlines.

50% of government could shut down and nobody would notice.

An even bigger budget for Israel and Ukraine funding, most likely.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 03:42 PM
House passes stopgap bill to avert government shutdown

The House passed a stopgap bill on Tuesday to keep the government open, putting Congress on a path to avert a shutdown and setting the stage for a broader funding fight in the new year.

The Senate will next need to approve the measure. President Joe Biden is prepared to sign the bill if it is passed by the Senate, a White House official told CNN. Government funding is currently set to expire at the end of the week on Friday, November 17.

It will keep some of the government funded until January 19th, and the rest of the government funded an addition 2-weeks.

The bill would extend funding until January 19 for priorities including military construction, veterans’ affairs, transportation, housing and the Energy Department. The rest of the government – anything not covered by the first step – would be funded until February 2. The proposal does not include additional aid for Israel or Ukraine.

Does anyone else notice that the can that's been repeatedly kicked, doesn't seem to get kicked very far these days, almost as if it's gotten heavy over time?

edit on 15-11-2023 by IndieA because: Punctuation

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

He will not be removed.

Oh dear, that did not age well, he was kicked out!

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 10:57 AM
Senate passes stopgap bill to avert government shutdown

The Senate on Wednesday passed a stopgap bill to keep the government open, averting a shutdown for now while setting up a contentious fight over funding in the new year.

The bill was approved by the House on Tuesday and will now be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law. Government funding is currently set to expire at the end of the week on Friday, November 17. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 87 to 11.

Lawmakers are still under pressure to try to negotiate and pass full-year spending bills in just over two months as the stopgap bill creates two new shutdown deadlines in January and February, an unusual two-step approach to funding the government.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 02:00 PM
It looks as though another shutdown is looming, in less than 3 days, as impeachment hearings are ongoing.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I thought it wasn’t until January 19th? Haven't heard much about the sky is falling lately, maybe because of the holidays or it actually will happen this time.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: IndieA

I thought it wasn’t until January 19th? Haven't heard much about the sky is falling lately, maybe because of the holidays or it actually will happen this time.

Yeah, I thought so too, and I think your right. I may have mistaken what I saw during the hearing.

New year brings same government shutdown threats

edit on 27-12-2023 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 03:52 PM
Been hearing them threaten shutdowns since I was a kid, now 60. Although, I don’t doubt at the rate we’re going it will eventually happen full stop someday. I don’t think any of us can actually grasp the concept of being in debt 33 trillion dollars and counting.

“if you start spending a million dollars every single day since Jesus was born, you still wouldn’t have spent a trillion dollars”.

X 33 = a astronomical amount of money.

Debt clock

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 04:35 PM

I don’t think any of us can actually grasp the concept of being in debt 33 trillion dollars and counting.

If the majority of people in America could grasp that number then everything else wrong with the world would seem inconsequential. It would be great if we could get the same level of concern for getting rid of national debt as we have for climate change. One is definitely manmade and can be fixed while the other is influenced by many natural phenomena that mankind has no ability to change. Yet our leaders choose to keep sinking us further into debt to save the planet.

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