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Is your Mother one of God's Angels

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posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:18 AM
I'm here tonight listening to Country Music ( my Mother's favorite songs ) and looking at the picture I have is my Mother and me sitting next to each other. She is smiling as always. I suddenly realize that I believe my Mother is one of God's Angels tonight.
edit on 0900000048182023-09-05T09:18:48-05:00184809am9 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:39 AM
Not mine. She is burning in hell.

a reply to: musicismagic

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 01:07 PM
Wa reply to: musicismagic

Weren't expecting THAT from DeathSlayer huh?

Mine...always my angel.✌️✝️👍

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

My mom is a definite saint, but not an angel.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Not mine. She is burning in hell.

a reply to: musicismagic

You're the lucky one, some mothers are still casting spells and cackling to themselves in the land of the living.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:07 PM
So…when I was a kid, I just assumed my mother was an angel. I honest to God heard what an angel was and simply identified that oh, that’s my mommy!

So every time I would draw my family, I would draw my house, my dogs, my dad with no hair, my sister in a little triangle dress, myself the shortest and youngest, and lastly my mommy whom I would draw with a yellow halo over her head and two opposing capital Bs on the sides of her which were her wings. My family with my mommy as an angel. A bunch of dinosaurs and army men shooting each other and in the corner, my mom as an angel.

One day, my mom got really mad at me and for the first time ever, she cursed at me saying, “DAMMIT NAME!” I had no clue what to make of it other than that I had just done something and because of it, my mom stopped loving me. I was heart broken but I was also angry! I wanted to get back at her before I packed my teddy bear and ran away from home.

I got out a sheet of paper and drew my mom and I DIDNT draw her halo or wings and I labeled the drawing “momy win she kirsis and stops luving me!” I don’t know why but in my head, that was the most mean and nasty thing I could do to her. I went and slid it under her door with a “hmmmpf!!!”

My mom came and apologised to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and went to her room and I suddenly remembered the drawing and remember, that drawing was going to hit her like she’d never been hit before. I ran to her and started pulling on her leg as she opened the door and picked up the drawing and I was screaming and pleading, “mommy please! Don’t read it! Mommy no! Mommy I am so sorry! I didn’t mean what I said! Please I still love you!” I remember being more disturbed than I had ever been.

She opened it and just laughed and told me it was ok and gave me another kiss and I felt like I had just avoided nearly having to part ways forever with her and I was so relieved.

I found that drawing the other day, 35 years later. Now it just makes me laugh at how big a deal I thought it was. Even at 39 though, I am still convinced my mom is an angel. I could never love another human being anywhere near how much I love her and I can’t even imagine the day she is gone. My dad had a quadruple bypass three years ago and my mom is at the beginning of dementia/Alzheimer’s…but I am so thankful to have them since I imagine life without mom and dad would be a life I can never find joy in again…I see others go through it, but for some reason in my mind, my life will just end and I won’t be able to go on if I ever face life without them by my side after I was blessed with the most loving parents on earth who did everything for me. The world IS my family. So how there could be a world when it is just me I don’t know.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 06:08 AM
One of my first memories is laying in a crib in a room on a bright spring day next to an open window with a gentle breeze.

I remember looking up and wondering where I was.

A few seconds later, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen was looking down at me with the kindest and most beautiful blue eyes smiling.

"Oh, you're awake!" She said.

From the moment I saw her I knew that I was safe and that I loved her with all my heart.

To me, my mother is an angel and a gift from God.

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