posted on May, 13 2005 @ 11:20 PM
Here's is a Holy Spirit story of mine. I had a experience with God about 11 years ago during a literal thunderstorm and a physical outcome of it was
my mom was cured of very bad breast cancer. A spiritual outcome of it for me was God at that time became REAL. I accepted Christ when I was 8 and
would have said God was real if asked that question but I didn't know what that really meant at that time. In that circumstance God made it known
to me that He is REAL and He is GOD.
That is one story. Another one is about 5 months ago at a church service in my local church, the pastor asked for people who have had a "defining"
moment with God to be prepared to come up to the front and tell everyone about it. The moment he said that I felt the Holy Spirit convict me to tell
my thunderstorm one.I then spent the next 2 minutes trying to talk God out of making me go up there and stand in front of everybody and tell the
The 2 minutes were up and I was still trying to talk God out of it. The pastor then said times up, come up and tell, and literally I got stood up
on my legs and walked up there in God's power and not mine. It was a weird feeling because I didn't want to go up there, but I found myself walking
up there under His power and not mine. I told the story a little nervously and knew all the time I should but didn't want too. But God literally
would not take no for an answer.