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Republican Party Chairman Ronna McDaniel has Failed the United States

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posted on Aug, 28 2023 @ 04:18 PM
It's not Ronna's fault the GOP reversed Roe v Wade....that's the Republican's big mistake. Even Republican women want a choice.

edit on 28-8-2023 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2023 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Even Republican women want a choice.

Exactly, their body their choice and I don't think that's changed at all.

posted on Aug, 28 2023 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Byrd

Are you AI? You misinterpreted as to what I wrote on Trump. I voted for him in 2016 as he was the lessor of the two evils. Didn't vote for anyone in 2020.

Oh, by the way I took a look at your threads and its evident to me based on your threads that your a Republican to the extreme but you need to bag the overweight politically connected RNC Chairman and bring in a professional. Her predecessor was also a lightweight.

So Byrd are you heading over to the country club tonight? Not me. After I clean the toilets I will grill our Filet Mignon steaks with veggies

So Jesus loves you and yes; deny ignorance.

So are you advocating that the Republican party ditch Trump and do it by cutting off those who support him? I'm not sure that there's enough support in the party for that. Several Republican notables have tried it and instead have been censured for it.

Pointing out that Trump and the RNC chairwoman are rapidly losing political power seems to be political suicide in these times. They seem to be rather determined to keep heading on this same course that's been proving to be a losing political strategy.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Byrd

Personally Trump is no worse legally than all others in the field. That includes Biden. Trump did bring the country back but he has one trait that all despise. Azzholitis. I wish he would cool it and play it like Obama. Meaning smile while your sticking the knife in ones back. Trump however, cant gather the legal support he needs to win all of the charges against him in Federal kangaroo court. He's fighting the US DOJ FBI and even back in 2016 I was told that the CIA didn't want either him or Hillary as president. That came from a retired State Department Special Agent.

Whatever happened to Trey Gowdy?

The world is being steered back to the days of ancient Greece and Rome relating to children. I don't think it cant be stopped without a war, internally or externally.

How about a military coup as we are a Banana Republic. Yes?

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Byrd

Personally Trump is no worse legally than all others in the field.

I'd disagree, obviously.

back in 2016 I was told that the CIA didn't want either him or Hillary as president. That came from a retired State Department Special Agent.

I can see that. I wonder what his feelings would be now.

Whatever happened to Trey Gowdy?

No idea. There's a name that hasn't come up in awhile.

The world is being steered back to the days of ancient Greece and Rome relating to children. I don't think it cant be stopped without a war, internally or externally.

How about a military coup as we are a Banana Republic. Yes?

Disagree with all statements, actually, from a historian-based viewpoint (I'm not a true historian but my degrees have emphasized the history of each field, and I read a lot on ancient history.)

Society has gone too far to get back to that state and America's gone far beyond the socially backward militant theocracies. You would seem to find nonbinary genders and transgenders repugnant - they were actually a "norm" in the old days (there are some SPICY stories, lemme tell ya... stretching all the way back to 1000 BC (and that's just the written stuff that survived.)) I know ...hmm... wow... more than 50 non-binary and trans folks (I have been going to gaming and science fiction conventions -- including Dragoncon and San Diego Comicon which is how I run into these folks.) I've even been to the bathroom with them.

I've helped several kids who were rejected by their families for being gay, so my perspective will be different (I don't want to return to the time when kids were beaten to death for being gay or suspected of being gay.)

We don't have to go to war over cultural issues. There are many countries with multiple culture groups and values and they get along just fine for the most part (England, Scotland, Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway, etc, etc.) What we do need to do is put some clamps down on extreme-appeal-to-emotion-clickbait information and get folks to sit down together and play at problem resolution.

After we teach them to listen, eh?

(got onto this idea after reading a really good article (New York Times, I think) about how there was a critical tipping point in our history - 2015 - when Facebook and other platforms instituted the "like" and "retweet" options. The author maintains (and I think he's right) that once they did this, there was a "race" among people on the platforms to see who was the most "famous" (who had the social power) and that's when they learned that HORRIBLE SHOCKING HEADLINE OF THE DAY IN ALL CAPS!!! was going to get a gazillion clicks, so that's money for and from your sponsor -- and ga-zinga! Trolls and brawls became the order of the day.)

Whups. Off topic there.

Anyway, I disagree that this is a banana republic. I've seen them up close. This isn't even as bad as Russia (whatever flavor their government is supposed to be now.) I understand that you're uncomfortable with and disagree with some of the direction our society is taking. This happens to all of us as we age (along with all the other fun stuff, eh? ) and it shakes our foundations when what we grew up with is no longer considered to be good by society.

And remember, it was implied when we were growing up that we had the best country and morals and laws in the whole world. That colors how firmly we hang onto our beliefs and make it hard to change, even when change is needed.

But these changes really don't equal a banana republic.

edit on 30-8-2023 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Byrd

I am not against gay or trans. My uncle was gay. I pray to him now and then. He was a good man.

I am only against the grooming of children at early age and taking the rights of the parents away. I am against a trans competing as a woman in woman's sports.

I am also against adults having sex with children or trafficking them for money.

My Trump comment wasn't written correctly. I meant to say he has done nothing beyond any other and is being singled out as fodder.

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Byrd

I am not against gay or trans. My uncle was gay. I pray to him now and then. He was a good man.

I am only against the grooming of children at early age and taking the rights of the parents away.

We do agree completely... to some extent. If a kid is being beaten or otherwise abused, I'm all in favor of taking away the parents' rights (and I am certain you'd feel the same way.) We might disagree on medical grounds, though -- I am in favor of the doctors taking control to save a kid's life (a good example is Jehovah's Witnesses refusing blood transfusions) However, this is a situation where "decide on an individual basis" should hold rule, IMHO.

I am against a trans competing as a woman in woman's sports.

I'm not against this -- and I'd like to suggest that this is another case of "manufactured problem."

Let me explain my thinking on this: There's all sorts of alarming "GET OFF MY LAWN!" posts and memes and so forth about "trans women" -- but nobody seems to be terribly concerned about "trans men." I think (feel free to correct me) that this may be because of the perception that men should protect women from men ... but nobody is concerned about men protecting themselves from women.

Didn't you ever stop to think how strange that is -- that it's apparently "okay" for a woman to transition to male but not the reverse?

As I've said before, I know a number of people who transitioned (m-to-f and f-to-m). Once the hormones reach a certain level, the formerly-male (and formerly-female) bodies act pretty much the same as if they'd been born that way. If they meet the other qualifications, I say "let them compete."

The qualifications include social changes as well as measuring biological changes (muscle mass, etc.) Trans women have not done notably well in competitions. They've won some, but they've also lost a lot... so the gamble of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars plus 2-4 years to transition to become a female sports star is really kind of a losing bet. Likewise, spending that amount of time and money just to be able to prance into the women's bathroom and see a line of closed stalls and women changing babies doesn't make sense when there's all that free porn available just by clicking your computer. There's also ads that are not too hard to find should you want to hire a woman to perform sexually for you.

And that's a LOT cheaper and less difficult than changing sexes.

And imagine the chaos over de-transitioning. Their family and coworkers would experience "I'm coming out as female" and years spent making the transition and then a few months or years or whatever they suddenly decide to de-transition. That means paying to have legal records changed (again), trips to courts to explain to judges why a name change is necessary, medical hormone stuff, and so forth. It's messy (and I've seen one person do this.) Although people do detransition, it's time consuming and expensive

Going through all that to lose sports events to other women is really a losing proposition. And you know -- simply making people aware of all the times trans women lose to non-trans women is going to be enough to keep fake trans people away.

Guys have pride. I've seen how badly some men react when they're beaten by a woman (I've had men swear and throw chess pieces at me because I beat them at a tournament match... and listened to other men at the tournament rag on them for "losing to a gurrrrrrllll." Not losing to a better chess player (which I was.)) Rather than yelling about "guys competing", simply have a good laugh about "guys losing."

That ought to shut it down REALLY quickly... or so I judge.

I also think this argument relies on people thinking that drag is also trans. I have no problem sharing a bathroom with a trans woman... but when you bring in a guy in drag, I Will Have Questions. Lots of Questions.

So... that's my stance based on experience (by the way, unless they're very newly transitioned, I find that it IS hard to tell a trans person from a cis person.)

Oh... let me add a point for consideration here (you may not agree with this): that if women encounter and know and accept trans women, they're more likely to be able to spot fakes who could be dangerous. Here is a case where the trans women are absolutely committed to uncovering and kicking out fakes because these fake trans people are actually very likely to harm the real trans woman.

I am also against adults having sex with children or trafficking them for money.

Not only am I with you there, I go even farther than that: I am against adults having sex with ANY person who doesn't want them and I am against adults trafficking other adults for money. Doesn't matter if the person dong the trafficking is male or female or if the victim is male or female. I'm against it.

My Trump comment wasn't written correctly. I meant to say he has done nothing beyond any other and is being singled out as fodder.

I'd disagree there and would even take the probably contentious stand here that he exaggerates things and thus adds to the noise rather than to the dialogue.

edit on 30-8-2023 by Byrd because: darn quote brackets, darn it!!

edit on 30-8-2023 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Byrd

Yes, we are pretty much in like thoughts. Yes, Trump cant get out of his own way. He's beyond and still hasn't learned to knock it off such as his recent mockery of the other candidates.

He's essentially a "personality" relic from the 1950's with exception to his sexual exploitations as he ain't no Ozzie and Harriet kind of guy aka Mike Pence.

I also wonder whether he knows that almost every agency within the Federal government is after him. Its a witch hunt but how will it end?

If they do lock him up will he be Epsteined? Remember that missile launch near a submarine yard in the state of Washington? Was that a warning to him? It wasn't a helicopter.

Missile Launch

Trump Arrives in Singapore

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Byrd

Yes, we are pretty much in like thoughts. Yes, Trump cant get out of his own way. He's beyond and still hasn't learned to knock it off such as his recent mockery of the other candidates.

He's essentially a "personality" relic from the 1950's with exception to his sexual exploitations as he ain't no Ozzie and Harriet kind of guy aka Mike Pence.

An interesting - and very apt analogy, I think. Never thought of Pence as an Ozzie and Harriet character but it does fit.

I also wonder whether he knows that almost every agency within the Federal government is after him. Its a witch hunt but how will it end?

From the snippets I read around the internets, I think that the upper echelons despised him for the way he treated their service organizations and ignored briefings and advice - and then went out of his way to snipe at them verbally. The fact that he didn't hop in and fill federal appointments like other presidents did also frosted their cookies.

The rank-and-file loved him, I think (or at least this is what I understand from military articles.)

If they do lock him up will he be Epsteined? Remember that missile launch near a submarine yard in the state of Washington? Was that a warning to him? It wasn't a helicopter.

If he goes to jail I will be somewhat surprised. However, if he ends up there he's going to be under tight watch and if he dies of anything it will be a stroke (IMHO). He's a very volatile person and gets angry easily. Locked up with no access to outside communications (which I think will happen because they don't want him to try and start a revolution from inside prison) he'll be lonely and increasingly angry. Good recipe for a stroke, given his age and weight.

If you think about it, assassination isn't quite as glorious a punishment as simply letting him sit in a jail cell, surrounded by guards, only visited occasionally (there are limits to how many people can visit at one time and how many times a prisoner can receive visits per month.) He'd become a "nothing." His lawyers may be exempt from the visitation rule, but if they show up they'll want to be paid and he'll lose a lot of fundraising if he lands in jail.

Family... will nominally stand by him, I think. I don't see Melania going out of her way to visit him if he goes to jail. We don't know enough about Barron to assess what he'd do, but Eric and Don Jr will visit and then go on to pass along his message to the world - in part so that they can be seen as his true messengers and the inheritors of the Trump Name. I doubt that will work out as they'd wish - they're both rather unattractive men (intellectually and politically.)

I think Ivanka would go because she does love her father, but I don't see Tiffany going.

Because of his status they'd put him in solitary (don't really want other inmates picking on him or trying to hurt him.) While having him assaulted in prison is the fantasy of some left-wingers, I don't see law enforcement permitting this.

Killing's too easy. A decade in solitary confinement with great medical care and carefully vetted guards (who guard but don't help) - that would be the most agonizing punishment anyone could inflict on him.

IMHO, of course.

Anyhoo, (returning to the thread topic) I don't think removing McDaniels would help the Republican party; there are others similar to her who would be willing to step into the breach.

edit on 31-8-2023 by Byrd because: darn quote brackets, darn it!!

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:16 PM

edit on 31-8-2023 by Byrd because: duplicate. Arrgh.

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