posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to:
Haha sorry for the late reply.
Your one of THEM aren't you (Pun intended not being serious so don't take offence it's just a bit of humour so don't take the knock please, obviously
I know you are NOT but I do wonder how much such a decisive believe is based on a wish to believe the world/reality is safer than it actually is
though that is not aimed at you just the blanket almost denial that many that make such terse assertions make).
'looks suspiciously at the computer screen before drawing the curtains and peeping out from behind them lest one of THEM is watching from a
mysterious car'.
Seriously though and joking aside (And no offence to those that have really suffered something as serious as that as I believe some few have
encountered such from shady organizations in the past at least over in the US and a few other nations).
How would you colonize a galaxy, make it possible to interact with alien sentient species etc.
Standardizing those species would make it both easier and more conducive to interstellar trade and commerce as well as creating though to do this an
intelligence either biological or even artificial should it decide to do so would potentially use such bioengineering method's even if to our mind the
idea is both repulsive and unethical.
So while it is comforting to just shut the idea out it remains a very real possibility especially if claims that over thirty non human crashed craft
have been recovered by the US alone are real, on a side note that also offers a great potential market to our car and ship insurance company's in the
future if these aliens assuming that the story is not just bunk that is are actually such terrible pilot's as we can then be assured they can't pilot
there own craft competently thus there is a great market for vehicle insurance salesmen waiting to be tapped, that is if we can nuzzle in next to
those corporate zeta reticulon's that old betty and barny hill met with there space corporations who have probably already cornered the market (yes I
said leaving jokes aside but could not resist).
edit on 11-8-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)