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Rules For Thee But Not For Me

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posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: Kenny2xx

It is oh so funny how people often confuse facts/reality with having a "pity party", quite sad really.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

As you stated, they have been told their entire lives that "white man bad" is their credo. Anything that the "white man" comes up with to do or says is absolute Satanic in nature.

When is society ever going to realize this? (rhetorical question)

I would guess that "white" society is never going to fully realize this, much less understand it. It's beyond their ability to accept. If they were to realize it in terms of actually accepting it, it would mean that they would have to accept that as a subset of US American society, they've been rejected by the elites in control of the majority narrative. It would mean they'd have to accept the idea that at best, they've been reduced to second class citizenship (which they have) and that the nation-state in which they were born is no longer truly "theirs" to claim as a "homeland". (it probably never was, its a Corporation, but I digress).

Oddly enough, the situtation for blacks really isn't any better than that of the Anglo-White population. While it's true their cause, has been championed by the elites to use as a bludgeon to dispossess the Anglo-White population, at the same time, by way of the open borders policy, the make up of US society is changing at a very rapid rate. As we look at the numbers, we see that the Hispanics are quickly becoming the majority minority in a country where all ethinc groups are minorities and the Hispanics not only reject the AA narrative, they pay it no heed whatsoever. You can imagine them stating "we don't need no stinkin' DEI". They also have no cultural understanding nor use for the rule of law. They just take what they want and kill anyone who gets in their way.

And then, as the Hispanics become ascendant, right behind them are the Asians who to me, more resemble the Feringi of Star Trek; they take no hostages, blow out the roof on test scores and University grades and rise rapidly to ownership/leadership of any business enterprise they enter.

Ultimately the US will end up being a back-water colony of the UN and China and none of this will matter.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

AH HAH, you get it!

And the groups you describe, "anti-racists. liberals, and US academics " control the narrative because they control the "language". Welcome to the Hegelian dialectic.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: PorkChop96

As you stated, they have been told their entire lives that "white man bad" is their credo. Anything that the "white man" comes up with to do or says is absolute Satanic in nature.

When is society ever going to realize this? (rhetorical question)

I would guess that "white" society is never going to fully realize this, much less understand it. It's beyond their ability to accept. If they were to realize it in terms of actually accepting it, it would mean that they would have to accept that as a subset of US American society, they've been rejected by the elites in control of the majority narrative. It would mean they'd have to accept the idea that at best, they've been reduced to second class citizenship (which they have) and that the nation-state in which they were born is no longer truly "theirs" to claim as a "homeland". (it probably never was, its a Corporation, but I digress).

Oddly enough, the situtation for blacks really isn't any better than that of the Anglo-White population. While it's true their cause, has been championed by the elites to use as a bludgeon to dispossess the Anglo-White population, at the same time, by way of the open borders policy, the make up of US society is changing at a very rapid rate. As we look at the numbers, we see that the Hispanics are quickly becoming the majority minority in a country where all ethinc groups are minorities and the Hispanics not only reject the AA narrative, they pay it no heed whatsoever. You can imagine them stating "we don't need no stinkin' DEI". They also have no cultural understanding nor use for the rule of law. They just take what they want and kill anyone who gets in their way.

And then, as the Hispanics become ascendant, right behind them are the Asians who to me, more resemble the Feringi of Star Trek; they take no hostages, blow out the roof on test scores and University grades and rise rapidly to ownership/leadership of any business enterprise they enter.

Ultimately the US will end up being a back-water colony of the UN and China and none of this will matter.

I think Black Americans will be just fine. We are battle tested in a society that discriminate against us just based on stereotypes and skin color. As other ethnic groups come over here we are finding solidarity with eachother. You might not know or hear about it but blacks are quickly learning we are all we have. Can’t say the same thing with white American tho, as other ethnic groups come over here they are still fighting left vs right conservative vs liberal.

I’m not worried about the Hispanics either. Latino is just a culture of people who speak Spanish. If you split each group up by nationality like Cuban, Mexican or Ecuadorian you’ll realize they aren’t as big as you think. Sure in places like California, Texas and Arizona they have high numbers, but to the rest of the country that’s not border states they don’t have enough to take over anything. They have to group them in as a whole (Spanish speakers) to make them seem more prominent than they really are.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Kenny2xx

As long as we aren't taking slices of people and categorizing them based on skin tone, or nationality, it's all good. Because that's raycist. We are all the same, some smarter than others, but largely, still just the same.

At some point in the future, everyone will realize, if you just give the raycists thumbs down on their social media posts, they will all slink away in disgrace, and we will be left with the Utopia we all want and require.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Kenny2xx

I totally agree with you as to the Anglo white population. It's done and dusted. There is no ethnic solidarity in the white population and they are culturally weak. The wealthy and the smart among their number already have one foot out the door. The remainder will die out, wither on the economic vine or be assimilated by way of misegenation.

As to the Hispanics, yes, they lack solidarity among varieties, but they are culturally and ethnically strong and their sheer numbers are overwhelming. That being said, they are politically weak until they aren't. They take over slowly, but once in, they consolidate by way of nepotism and corruption. Once they have a foothold, as to elections, all that matters is an Hispanic surname and an appeal to LA Raza.

I would guess blacks will retain their stranglehold on urban areas, at least as long as the Asians remain a small subset of the electorate, but they are already starting to make inroads, i.e, Boston.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out, but my money is on the Asians, the CCP, and the UN. Global warming won't cook the US, but the response to it will.
edit on 10-8-2023 by TonyS because: ETA

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