If any of you keep up with Asian news you'll know about Japan's latest revisionist theories of it's wartime atrocities being published in the
latest set of textbooks to brainwash the future generation that Japan was a moral and ethical country and that China and Korea only hate it because
they are jealous of it's greatness. (much like what the USA did)
What you probably didn't know is that Chinese can protest. The American propaganda machine is told that you cannot protest in China. This is a lie.
There are petitions, strikes, marches and even rioting in China. Here are some photos of the latest protest. And who said Chinese can't protest?
Don't know about what Japan is doing but the U.S. did not brain wash anybody. Also where are the pictures? And sure you can protest but I think this
will happen to you.
Of course you can protest as long as the government approves of it! A protest against Japan would not only be tolerated but probably encouraged or
even organized by the government. Try an anticommunist/prodemocracy rally and it'll be Tiananmen Square all over again!
I didn't do it! I NEVER said that the Chinese couldn't protest! It wasn't me, I swear!
I think that when Americans hear the words Chinese and protest uttered in the same sentence, it invokes images of Tiananmen Square. Also heard about
that Japanese textbook thing, Wow!!