posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 02:50 PM
We have had Tony Bobulinsky's testimony for a while now, and he was quite clear about what he knew, who met with whom, and who the big guy is.
Nobody has come to refute what he said, so I assume it's accepted as fact. He brought corroborating evidence with emails that matched what was on
the laptop (despite low info folks claiming the laptop was changed) But it seems everyone is waiting with baited breath over Archer saying the same
things on Monday. It's clear who's who, and what's going on. Digging into Hunter's bank records would likely explain how "The Big Guy" was
paid. As Hunter explained in his laptop, he paid for everything.
It's possible Biden will play the dementia game and claim he has no memory of any of this taking place, as he quietly exits the White house. As I
have written before, the timing of everything is key, and there is a cut off time for announcing a run for president (I think?) So what would happen
if Impeachment inquiry turned into an impeachment and all the bad stuff comes out around spring or summer time next year? that wouldn't leave much
time to damage control, Harris won't be any help, as she is toxic with her favorability. It seems like this is all designed to fail, and fail big.
What are we missing?