posted on Jul, 24 2023 @ 11:13 PM
Wrote on a post about how I love ATS, and how I loved participating, even though I have been gone for few years, and bought up the old show's.
There was a weekly show with a live chatroom, and my favorite parts were the shout out to the members in the room, and to threads that were some of
their favorites that week.
After that we had Reality Remix, which I was a co-host on, and it was awesome, we even had our own commercials and skits we would write and play out.
We even got to pick 3 of our own topics, whether it was ours, or another members, we would write a thread before each show and ask members what they
wanted to talk about and share with us, especially about our wonderful community.
So, I wonder if ATS would consider starting that again, and does anyone here remember both, or one of the shows?
Peace, NRE.