posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 03:50 AM
while I agree that is where this ids heading I tend to find the Venn diagram on who supports what topic topics, climate, identity, immigration ect
interesting but it creates 2 groups.
on the one side those who see themselves as virtuous intellectuals like the high church of the reformation and on the other those who live in reality
like the low church.. and their reactions to events are wildly thinking here of the only times the tower of London has actually been
captured by anyone and what happened to those inside..
on the one hand it displays the brutality of reality and the other the way these things are inside jobs.. as the rebel protestors where let in..
some suggest the French riots stems from the BLM protests while I think they both stem from the all England blackberry riots, each has given the state
more control over communications..
take it from another angle when the Americans rebelled it cost Britain those colonies but that revolt also spread to France taking out Britain's only
opponent to being the worlds main power,
so what is the cost/benefit here, look at these things through the lens maybe not of violence in Britain but maybe disruption elsewhere, we should
recal the green movement stemmed not from the left but rather from the British conservative party..
in that vain it was the uks conservatives who lost the Brexit vote not the left, the west or the EU as the cons have always been the uks main pro EU
party they where always going to pivot back but only when the time was right and to a changed eu and we see that change happening through these
various conflicts.