a reply to:
I heard express herself about this some time ago. Thank you.
I wish Ms. Smith the best of luck in her hopes to represent Albertans interests in a way our Prime Minister will be receptive. We can’t always get
what we want, but often practising communicating in the spirit of cooperation splits the difference. I live on the best coast, but find this example
of hers' inspiring.
I was fortunate to be off work in the lead up to the last election and to meet a pleasant fellow serving us back east. I also spoke with those who
were hopeful to see if they could perhaps have the opportunity to take his place.
Some comments I heard our Prime Minister express around the time really harshed my mellow. I gave our rep a piece of my mind, so I did not know what
to expect when we had a chance to speak together one on one.
These neighbours all encouraged me to practice being more active having my voice heard, and were optimistic addressing my concerns. I liked that,
hopefully their ideals don’t get worn down at work. These candidates left me feeling better about my hopes for our nation. I spoke about a half hour
with them.
I felt scared before speaking with our federal rep. I did not want to give into temptation and lose my temper with him. He listened to me at length,
we spoke together for couple of hours. got a good feeling about his efforts to do what he can for our community.
I tried to apologize for my harsh words in that letter expressing disappointment about our Prime Minister. I asked about some ideas I touched on in
correspondence, and anything else I could remember that was a priority for me to do with decisions to be made at the time. I thanked him for some of
the things he has helped my family out with as well.
I am sort of sharp in my writing, and more blunt then I would like to be in person. He took the time to speak in person with me. That was really
special for someone who prefers it that way if possible.
I did explore some of the darker probabilities of what could play out at the time, and considered speaking with some of those in our security
services. I did not, for safety (not mine).
It was a puzzling feeling trying to come to terms with this. Some suggested those who serve in this sort of capacity were paying me lip service. I did
not feel any dishonesty in them. I have a strange way of expressing myself sometimes, so I have doubts that the nature of our conversations is the way
others imagined.
If I could wave a magic wand, I would like our leaders to practice coming to some sort of agreement about what the best that could be hoped for given
what they know about any given situation. Next practice bringing their best ideas to the table. Finally practice working out decisions in the context
of what would be the most effective, quickest way to encourage positive change.
I imagine they try to do this within their own parties, but would like them to do that all together. When we focus on our differences, it becomes all
too easy to revert to fear, obligation, and guilt when one gets tired. And then some wonder why there’s war?
Don’t give up, having your voice heard. It gets easier communicating over time.
The best thing making an effort like that showed me, was to try and speak in person with them if at all possible. I feel change comes from the bottom
up, and that our Prime Minister would be wise to practice taking more direction from the rest of his team, his colleagues on the other side, and
lower levels of government. I feel a positive example is the best form of leadership. Service.
Good evening,
edit on 20-7-2023 by dffrntkndfnml because: spacingx3, clarity, grammar,added practice to the last paragraph, cleaned up edit tagsx? (lost
count), spellingx2,NTS I think you may like it better if you practice using the preview button.lol