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BREAKING: Shocking Video of Clarence Thomas!

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posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:22 PM

The absurdity and hypocrisy of Clarence Thomas knows no bounds. And it was obvious from the beginning. Check out this video, recently unearthed from the C-Span archives, where we see him make a statement that runs counter to his recent affirmed position in Fair Admissions (heh) vs. Harvard.

And isn't it embarrassing to even hear him utter the name of a real civil rights icon, Martin Luther King.

This coming right on the heels of more news about his corruption and double dealing since being on the SCOTUS.

+18 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Moresby

Ummm, so people, society, culture can't evolve?

Just asking.


+15 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:28 PM
The hypocrisy of the Biden regime and it's mindless minions knows no bounds, keep digging up old crap, it's not gonna work.

+14 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:30 PM
Black man with conservative Values He must be destroyed !

Affirmative Action has been a thing for 50 years now 50 YEARS . If it was going to make a difference it would have by now so perhaps it's time for a new direction

edit on 11-7-2023 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:42 PM
Let just gloss over Joe Biden making racist statements as recently as yesterday and his dealings with China and Ukraine by attacking a black man in a position of power… raciss much… 🤣🤣🤣

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 07:07 PM
LOL Breaking news really? kind of clickbaity isn't it? but you convinced me ...this might be the most egregious transgression a person much less a sitting Court Justice has ever committed

On a scale of 1 to 10, what's the likelihood he gets impeached, knowing in over 200 years only one Justice has ever been impeached, 1 out of 116.

You know when everybody talks about misdirection...

The Constitution allows for the impeachment and removal of justices in much the same manner as a president: The House can vote for impeachment, and then a Senate trial is held, with a two-thirds vote needed to convict.

Only one justice has ever been impeached, and it was more than 200 years ago.

Samuel Chase was a frequent subject of the rumor mill for his entire life. As a young lawyer in Annapolis in the 1760s, he was expelled from a debating society for “extremely irregular and indecent” behavior. He was also an early critic of the Stamp Act and headed up Anne Arundel County’s chapter of the Sons of Liberty.

His height and broadness added to his gruff and intimidating personality. He also had a reddish-brown complexion, earning him the nickname “Old Bacon Face” — which some might consider its own impeachable offense.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Moresby

The absurdity and hypocrisy of Clarence Thomas knows no bounds. And it was obvious from the beginning. Check out this video, recently unearthed from the C-Span archives, where we see him make a statement that runs counter to his recent affirmed position in Fair Admissions (heh) vs. Harvard. And isn't it embarrassing to even hear him utter the name of a real civil rights icon, Martin Luther King. This coming right on the heels of more news about his corruption and double dealing since being on the SCOTUS.

you do know he fessed up to benefiting from affirmative action just like thousand of others twice. once in your edited video and after the decision. it was the law then and completely legal. he also believes just like the man you that seems to embarrass you that a person be them black, white,yellow, blue pink, green, or gray that they should be judged by the quality of their character and not the color of their black, white,yellow, blue pink, green, or gray skin and treated equally which is the law now.

no one deserves special consideration due to the color of their skin when all of the people applying have equal or better qualifications than the others.

edit on 11-7-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 07:13 PM
Civil rights = everyone is treated fairly and equally. At no point does he mention affirmative action, just the opportunity to hold positions that were previously only reserved for white people.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:04 PM
I see what you are getting at with the OP, but to me he is just admitting to seizing the opportunities other's provided to him. As BernnieJGato said, it was legal and available. It doesn't mean that he deems affirmative action fair or open, just that a particular door was open to him, and felt obliged to use it.

As asabuvsobelow said, "50 years." Perhaps it actually was a good thing, with the best of intentions, but in the overall scope, things sure seem to have gotten worse. The few that benefit are overshadowed by the ruin many inner cities are becoming.

Here's a thought.... at it's best, affirmative action inorganically takes the best and brightest out of impoverished areas. Never to return. This leaves only the "bad apples" to propagate there. Cause and effect?

edit on 11-7-2023 by Dapaga because: added a comma, removed a sentence

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

LOL Breaking news really? kind of clickbaity isn't it?

You know it's clickbait when you see ...

This video will shock you ...

[They] don't want you to do this, but [they] can't stop you ...

Try this trick to get rid of ...

[Number] things [group] does that [other group] hate ...

Top [number] genius hacks to make your life easier ...

[Anything] assault rifle [anything] ...

And my personal favorite -

[Somebody] responds to / claps back / demolishes [something someone else said]

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:20 PM

Here's a thought.... at it's best, affirmative action inorganically takes the best and brightest out of impoverished areas. Never to return. This leaves only the "bad apples" to propagate there. Cause and effect?


That being said do you blame them… it’s not just one community that has a “crabs in a pot” mentality… I’m as straight and white and Christian as can be an dealt with it with my own family…

You’re sold on the idea that “you’re special” and “you can do and be anything if you put your mind to it and the work in”… then when you do ever crab is nipping at your heels and trying to pull you back into the water they don’t really want to get out of as long as they can bitch “it’s hot in here”…

It’s not easy shutting the door on people especially when it’s been drummed into you that you “owe them” because they’re “blood” and you’d “be nothing without them” but once you’re out and see how much better off you are despite them you don’t want to go back… especially when you’re faced with people of all races and BOTH genders that are actually proud of your success and in a “Good Will Hunting” way hope that one day you surpass them and GTFO and onto better things…

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:22 PM
maybe what thomas referred to as affirmative action back then isn't the same as the radicalized and illegal versions that mutated soon after

edit on 7-11-2023 by WingDingLuey because: (no reason given)

(post by watchitburn removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Tone it down there mate .

Take the higher road when possible .

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Moresby

Meh, Breh

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Moresby

Want to see a shocking video about Clarence Thomas? How about this one with Joe Biden in it...

Context is everything.

edit on 000000007America/Chicago7pmTue, 11 Jul 2023 22:32:31 -050032 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Moresby

Want to see a shocking video about Clarence Thomas? How about this one with Joe Biden in it...

Context is everything.

"High tech lynching for uppity blacks who deign to think for themselves" That was pretty good!

edit on 11-7-2023 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: Moresby
Check out this video, recently unearthed from the C-Span archives, where we see him make a statement that runs counter to his recent affirmed position in Fair Admissions (heh) vs. Harvard.

Lie much? You guys just can't help yourselves can you? Recently unearthed? You do know that actually did air, right?

Also, he actually did not contradict himself.

He said he benefited from the civil Rights movement. I don't think he has ever said anything to indicate otherwise., and no one here will argue the reality that the civil Rights movement was necessary to counter the real, actual systemic racism that existed back then when black people were relegated to the back of the bus or their own water fountains or restaurants. What some people seem to forget is that this real, actual systemic racism was imposed by laws enacted by Democrat governmental authorities.

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