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What could be the reasoning behind the UFO 'disclosures'

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posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:30 AM
Disclosure popstar: "Whoaaa, i gotta tell you something you will never believe, aliens exist and we have their UFOs recovered, we have lots of evidence, it´s incredible!!!"

Sane person: "Show me some of the evidence, please!"

Disclosure popstar. "Well, i can´t because i am not allowed to do so, NDA and stuff, but believe me, it´s all so fantastic. Just watch my next youtube video, listen to the always same interviews with the always same people interviewing each other, buy my books, pay for my documentaries, hang on my lips for years while i promise to disclose something i am not even allowed to disclose, just believe me that i know everything and have seen it all!!!"

Sane person: "Uhm, ok..." (walks away to do something useful and forgets about all that disclosure circus and it´s popstars)

And to be honest, the whole issue is interesting only for those who always were interested in UFO stuff and is, for whatever reason, only blown up in the USA and the rest of the world couldn´t care less. If i would ask average people on the streets here in Germany if they ever heard about that UFO disclosure thing, they would look at me like they would have done 30 years ago, asked about UFOs. It´s simply not an issue at all for most of the people, they have no time for UFO stories but have to deal with their lives, have to bring food to the table and pay bills, have to deal with the problems politics and money bag agendas cause.

For me the reason of that disclosure circus and it´s star-clowns is:

Distraction - Hang on my lips, waste your time (and maybe even money) with empty promises and look at the sky while we turn the world around you upside down to push our agenda.

But tbh, they have to try harder because 99% of the people worldwide don´t care for that issue, think it´s tinfoil hat BS anyway, science fiction stuff or whatever else. And they simply have to deal with the problems the money bags create for them already.

Maybe that disclosure circus is blown up mainly in the USA to reach a goal exactly there, to distract from something there and isn´t even thought as distraction for the whole world.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 05:20 AM
With the tic-tac video I had a hope they would be more open about the subject, and take it more serious, but it didn’t really gain the traction I expected it to have, other than some fringe organizations from which we don’t hear much lately. We’re still being trickle-fed only insignificant little pieces of info, often from unsubstantiated and unverifiable sources. Sometimes I wonder if they (.gov/“MIB”) actually know as much as we like to think they do, as long as there’s no tangible evidence, or said tangible evidence is not made available to the public, it’s all just rumors and speculation, it may just as well not exist at all.

a reply to: ancientlight

edit on 11-7-2023 by 2Faced because: Well wasn’t well without the extra “L”

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Some good ideas there....but does anyone actually believe those type of outcomes could be achieved without a demonstration?

I'd guess around 50% of ET believers are not convinced as is.
Maybe up to 80% in non believers/experiencers.
100% of real scientists (who will hopefully have the final say via scientific method) would say "where's the proof".

Even if "they" were on the happy pills during the planning phase- it seems unrealistically optimistic to expect a significant number of people to believe you based on some blurry vids and "trust me" tales.

Given the efforts so far - I find it hard to believe it could get to this stage without someone pointing out that - without proof- this is very unlikely to work.

edit on 11-7-2023 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

Short answer: Christ’s return.

People must be convinced that He is an enemy and a threat. To do that, people must first be collectively aware and accepting that there are other sentient beings besides ourselves. Which there are. Once that becomes commonly accepted, humans will then instinctively begin to rally themselves according to our natural groupthink mentality, which operates in an “us Vs.them”categorizing nature. The governments of the world who understand that Christ is real, will exploit this human tendency to their advantage. They cannot prevent His return because God is inevitable, but they can deceive human beings into believing that God is their enemy, or that humans have everything figured out, or that there is no God, just extraterrestrials and humans. As you can see, these lies are already quite prevalent and persistent among those who would rather believe lies that make sense to them, rather than truths that don’t.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 09:32 PM
The plandemic was to condition us to more stringent rules, curfews, staying at home, buying online, enact the social credit score.

Now the fiat Petrodollar needs to have a monopoly on global markets or the US corpirations lose superiority and the Corporate States of America dies. That's what all the saber rattling against Russia is about.

I think the next move is gonna be an old idea from the Cold War playbook, where you fool the other side into thinking you have super hi tech black budget programs and psychic spies so they back off a little. Except we do have some alien tech, just not as much as we want them to think. So we say:

"The aliens gave us a death ray. You better give us Park Place or we ash the Lenin Statues! Also, the aliens are on our side, so give up the gravy!"

Sh1t, I'm hungry now.
Wait, what was the question again?

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 05:33 PM
fake invasion for one world gov

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:15 AM
They have an ulterior motive.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

I think the issue is you think of them as 'they'. There also in gov always have been people interested, with their own experiences etc and those who like to call themselves sceptical.
This now is I believe because I guess we start running into issues because our advanced tech allows us much more advanced warfare, SpaceForce stuff etc.
This is now the new frontier of the cold war.
And the issue is: often you really can't tell whose it is, but # is crazy.
So what do you do?
You create interest so the 'privateers' keep their recording devices ready, report more, etc to collect data

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